Finding Resources: Spanish Language Newspapers

Finding Resources: Spanish Language Newspapers

Chronicling America, a searchable database of U.S. historical newspapers, includes close to 100 Spanish-language newspapers from several states and Puerto Rico that span the years from 1836-1963. You can use the previous link to browse through the list of papers or use this map view of Spanish-language papers. When you click on a newspaper title…

Finding Resources: American Archive of Public Broadcasting

Finding Resources: American Archive of Public Broadcasting

OVERVIEW The American Archive of Public Broadcasting (AAPB) is a collaboration between the Library of Congress and WGBH Educational Foundation. It was founded in 2013 “to coordinate a national effort to identify, preserve, and make accessible as much as possible the historical record of publicly funded broadcasting in the U.S.” It now features contributors from…

Finding Resources: Veterans History Project

Finding Resources: Veterans History Project

From the Library of Congress Veterans History Project Research Guide: The Veterans History Project (VHP) of the Library of Congress American Folklife Center collects, preserves, and makes accessible the firsthand narratives of United States military veterans from World War I through the present. In addition to unedited audio- and video-recorded oral history interviews, VHP accepts memoirs and collections of…

Integrating Tech: Freedom Summer 1964

Integrating Tech: Freedom Summer 1964

Freedom Summer 1964 is a free digital learning tool from the Indiana University Center on Representative Government that explores key events surrounding this time in America’s history, and the impact of the Civil Rights movement on civil rights legislation. In Freedom Summer, players predict the outcomes of both civil and Congressional actions, and discover how…

Finding Resources: Story Maps

Finding Resources: Story Maps

Story Maps are immersive web applications that tell the incredible stories of the Library’s collections through narrative, multimedia, and interactive maps. The story maps are created within a Geographic Information Systems (GIS)-based software platform created by Esri. Story Maps are chock full of primary sources, including photographs, illustrations, texts, newspaper articles, and even maps. “I find story…

Finding Resources: Library of Congress Research Guides

Finding Resources: Library of Congress Research Guides

There are close to 800 Library of Congress Research Guides to the Library’s general collections of books and periodicals, as well as general subject guides prepared by reference librarians. You can browse or search the guides by subject (default), research center, or alphabetical list. Individual guides are included in curated primary source sets on the…

Finding Resources: Primary Source Sets & Teacher Guides

Finding Resources: Primary Source Sets & Teacher Guides

You’ll find nearly 100 primary source sets with Teacher Guides in the Teacher’s section of Each set contains a carefully curated selection of diverse primary sources accompanied by information for teachers on how to use the set and help students analyze the sources within it. As you can see from the image above, there…

Integrating Tech: Before and After with Juxtapose

Integrating Tech: Before and After with Juxtapose

Juxtapose, from Northwestern University’s Knight Lab, helps one compare two similar sources, particularly photographs or maps, which can help show before/after stories or change over time. Above you can see two portraits of Abraham Lincoln, one from 1861 shortly after his first inauguration and the other from 1865 shortly before his second inauguration and subsequent…

Finding Resources: Library of Congress Flickr Commons

Finding Resources: Library of Congress Flickr Commons

The Library of Congress collaborated with Flickr in 2007 to launch the Commons with the mission of providing another outlet for copyright free images from its collections and the goal of enjoining the Flickr community to contribute information about the sources: “Please help make the photographs you enjoy more discoverable by adding tags and leaving…

Integrating Technology: Using Primary Sources from the Library of Congress through Distance Learning

Integrating Technology: Using Primary Sources from the Library of Congress through Distance Learning

 In case you weren’t able to make it, or just want to watch it again, here is the recorded webinar hosted by inquirED and featuring TPS consortium partners from NCSS, the Right Question Institute and the TPS Eastern Region. After, access all the resources from this fantastic webinar. Related resources Teaching Now: Zooming In…