Integrating Tech: Freedom Summer 1964

African American and white supporters of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party

Freedom Summer 1964 is a free digital learning tool from the Indiana University Center on Representative Government that explores key events surrounding this time in America’s history, and the impact of the Civil Rights movement on civil rights legislation. In Freedom Summer, players predict the outcomes of both civil and Congressional actions, and discover how key events surrounding the early years of the Civil Rights Movement, including the 1964 Mississippi voter registration drive, the eventual passage of both the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, are intertwined.

In moving through the interactive, students have the opportunity to view informative intro and outro videos and analyze 20 primary sources depicting images of civil rights events. Analysis of a variety of primary sources and supplemental information leads students to identify varying perspectives, to evaluate how they might connect to state actions and Congressional legislation, and to predict potential outcomes. Two views, a card deck and a bulletin board, allow students to interact with the materials in multiple formats.

Play Freedom Summer 1964 on the web using the Chrome of Firefox browser or download for play iOS or Android devices.

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