Tech Tool: Primary Source Analysis & Annotation with ThingLink

Tech Tool: Primary Source Analysis & Annotation with ThingLink

ThingLink is an online tool that allows you to layer images and videos with text, web links, and other media files. Most digitized primary sources from the Library of Congress, including most text documents, are saved as image files so ThingLink is a great tool for analyzing and annotating primary sources directly on the sources…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: The Woman Whom Justice Brewer Would Make Mayor

Guided Primary Source Analysis: The Woman Whom Justice Brewer Would Make Mayor

Zoom into a more detailed image of this newspaper page but before reading the article, what do you learn about the featured woman and Justice Brewer just from reading the headline and the photo captions? Make a list of as many facts as you can. Then provide an educated guess as to why this was a news…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Diagramming the Federal Government

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Diagramming the Federal Government

Zoom into a detailed view of this diagram. Read the text and carefully review the data. Create a bulleted list of the information you learned from the diagram. What does the text in the third column say is the purpose of this diagram? Do you think the diagram fulfills this purpose? Why or why not?…

Integrating Tech: Linking the Learner to Learning

Integrating Tech: Linking the Learner to Learning

Can an article from 2009 really be useful in helping educators think about the pedagogy of integrating technology with primary source learning? The answer is absolutely! To learn why and how, read the TPS Journal article Technology Integration and Primary Sources: Linking the Learner to Learning written by Peggy O’Neill-Jones, Director of the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: The Solar System Displayed

Guided Primary Source Analysis: The Solar System Displayed

This map was published in 1789. Zoom into the map online or using this map document (.pdf) and review “A Table of the Diameters, Periods & of the several Planets in the Solar System”. Compare the information in that table to the data scientists have today. Make a new table with the same column headers and fill it in…

Learning from the Source: Technology Time Travel

Learning from the Source: Technology Time Travel

Become a time traveling sleuth with historical newspapers to discover how the hot new technology at the turn of the 20th century evolved. Work in groups to analyze the primary sources and, together, uncover the evolution of radio technology. Next, investigate other primary and secondary sources to compare and contrast radio’s evolution to another technology…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: How the Sun Spots Control Our Weather

Guided Primary Source Analysis: How the Sun Spots Control Our Weather

Zoom into a more detailed image of this newspaper page from 1912. Look at the images carefully and only read the headline and image captions. Outline the assertions—facts or beliefs—that are suggested. Now read the first paragraph of the article. Describe your reaction to this text. Then relate how the descriptions of weather events compare to what…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Does the Camera Ever Lie?

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Does the Camera Ever Lie?

Zoom into a more detailed image of this newspaper page from 1901. Read only the headline and image captions. Then carefully review the images and make an educated guess about what the article will discuss. Now read the article. How does it answer the question posed in the title? What evidence is provided to support this…

Integrating Tech: Using Skitch & Evernote to Analyze Images

Integrating Tech: Using Skitch & Evernote to Analyze Images

This is a guest post from Kerry Gallagher, a Technology Integration Specialist at St. John’s Prep, a 1:1 iPad school serving grades 6-12, and former middle and high school history teacher. We learn about the lives of our friends partly through the images they share with us on social media platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and…