Today in History: Andrew Carnegie

Today in History: Andrew Carnegie

Today in History–March 12–the Library of Congress features Andrew Carnegie, who offered the city of New York $5.2 million for the construction of sixty-five branch libraries on this day in 1901. After selling his steel company for hundreds of millions, Carnegie devoted the rest of his life to writing and philanthropic activities, including building thousands of public libraries across…

Today in History: Amistad Mutiny Survivors Released

Today in History: Amistad Mutiny Survivors Released

Today in History–March 9–the Library of Congress features the Amistad mutiny survivors, released on this day in 1841 by the Supreme Court. Former president John Quincy Adams successfully argued the case and the former captives  eventually returned to Africa. Learn more by visiting the Today in History section, then clicking the links below to read Adams’ argument and access more…

Today in History: Susan B. Anthony

Today in History: Susan B. Anthony

Today in History–March 8–the Library of Congress features Susan B. Anthony, who addressed Congress on the right of women to vote on this day in 1884. It was the sixteenth time woman suffrage supporters appeared before Congress but it would take decades more until women finally earned the constitutional right to vote. Learn more by visiting the Today in…

Today in History: First March from Selma

Today in History: First March from Selma

Today in History–March 7–the Library of Congress features the first civil rights march from Selma, Alabama to the state capital in Montgomery, which was led on this day in 1965. Unfortunately, the marchers, which numbered about 600, had scarcely left Selma when they were were brutally assaulted by heavily armed state troopers and deputies. The ugly incident…

Today in History: Remembering the Alamo

Today in History: Remembering the Alamo

Today in History–March 6–the Library of Congress remembers the Alamo, which was recaptured by Mexican General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna on this day in 1836. An estimated 1,000 to 1,600 Mexican soldiers died in the the 13-day siege and all 189 Texan defenders officially listed were killed. Learn more about the circumstances that helped Texas forces to gain independence from…

Finding Resources: Searching Across

Finding Resources: Searching Across

Searching Across The Library of Congress is continually making improvements to the search functions of the online Library. Although the Library is vast and contains many sections, fruitful searches across are possible. Keyword Search Tips Remember when searching for historical primary sources that you may need to try different terms applicable to the…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Afro-American Monument

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Afro-American Monument

There are two Revolutionary War heroes depicted on this print who experienced very different outcomes. Who were the two men and what happened to each in the war? Review the 13 scenes related to Afro-American history on this lithograph. Which scene speaks most powerfully to you? Explain the reasoning for your choice. What person or event…

Today in History: Boston Massacre

Today in History: Boston Massacre

Today in History–March 5–the Library of Congress features the Boston Massacre, which occurred on this day in 1770 when British soldiers shot into a crowd of colonists. This skirmish became a rallying point for American patriots, led by Samuel Adams. Learn more about the incident and one of the fatal victims, Crispus Attucks, by visiting the Today in History section, then clicking…

Today in History: Mount Rainier National Park

Today in History: Mount Rainier National Park

Today in History–March 2–the Library of Congress features Mount Rainier National Park, established on this day in 1899. But was America’s fifth national park created to preserve nature or to help out an industry? Learn more by visiting the Today in History section and reviewing the resources linked to below. from America’s Library Mount Rainier, Washington Mount Rainier becomes…

Today in History: Salem Witch Trials

Today in History: Salem Witch Trials

Today in History–March 1–the Library of Congress features the Salem witch trials, which were sparked when Massachusetts authorities charged three women with witchcraft on this day in 1692. Read more about this brief but dark chapter in U.S. history by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access related resources. Background Images Texts Books…