Primary Source Spotlight: U.S. Military Conscription (the Draft)
The Draft Riots of 1863 : A Historical Study Read at the Meeting of the Ohio Commandery
Civil War induction officer with lottery box photograph
Civil War Conscription Laws In Custodia Legis November 15, 2012
Freemen! Avoid Conscription! 1862 broadside
Abraham’s draft, 600,000 more 1862 sheet music
Southern “volunteers” 1862 political cartoon
The Conscription Bill speech of Hon. S.S. Cox, of Ohio delivered on February 26, 1863
Abraham Lincoln correspondence related to the draft
By the President of the United States of America May 8, 1863
Letter from Abraham Lincoln announcing the draft of 1,968 from New Hampshire July 3, 1863
The Draft, or Conscription Reviewed by the People 1863
The Conscription 1863 William A. Gladstone Afro-American Military Collection
The Conscription Act Vindicated 1863
Johnny Fill Up the Bowl 1864 sheet music
An Act further to regulate and provide for the enrolling and calling out the National Forces, and for other Purposes. July 4, 1864
General orders no. 22 February 17, 1865 Math possibilities with this one
Runaways and skulkers. A letter to congressman. Amendments to the conscription law … Jan 28, 1865
The War in America: The Conscription in New York 1865 illustration
Draft resistance historical newspaper coverage
World War I: Conscription Laws Library of Congress Blog September 13, 2016
Conscription 1917 editorial cartoon
Joint Resolution Providing for the calling into military service of certain classes of persons registered and liable for military service under the terms of (Pub. Rcs. No. 29. the Act of Congress approved May 18, 1917, entitled “An Act to authorize the President to increase temporarily the Military Establishment of the United States
Joint Resolution Providing for the registration for military service of all [ J. Res.124.] male persons citizens of the United States and all male persons residing in the United [Pub. Res.,No. 30.1 States who have, since the fifth day of June, 1917, and on or before the day set for the registration by proclamation by the President, attained the age of twenty-one years May 20, 1918
An Act Amending the Act entitled “An Act to authorize the President to increase temporarily the Military Establishment of the United States” August 31, 1918
The history of military conscription, with especial reference to the United States 1923
Delegates of N.Y. Youth Congress present petition at White House opposing compulsory conscription June 20, 1940 image
Dear Mr. President,” Minneapolis, Minnesota audio recording January or February 1942