Have students use the primary sources in this set to tell a story about immigration to the United States. (For background information, review the following: Immigration to the United States, 1851-1900 and Immigrants in the Progressive Era). The story may be in digital or print form. It could be nonfiction, fiction, poetry, or even a song. These questions about immigration can help you get started. Then click on each thumbnail image below to access the full size primary source. You may also use this primary set for a found poetry activity.
Italian bread peddlers, Mulberry St., New York
Immigrant children, Washington School Boston
Four immigrants and their belongings
Held at Ellis Island—undesirable emigrants
Iran Hostage Crisis student demonstration
School children, 1/2 Polish and 1/2 Italian descent
Italian-Americans on MacDougal Street
New York students pledge allegiance to the flag
Italian-American children warming their hands
New York, Ellis Island
Immigrants just arrived from Foreign Countries, Ellis Island
Evening recreation Portuguese mill workers |

A Chinese Laundry at a Bargain Sale |

Something About America and San Francisco |
San Francisco’s mayor wants exclusion act to bar the Japs |
American citizens! We appeal to you
Pacific Chivalry: Encourage-ment to Chinese Immigration |
Don’t bite the hand that’s feeding you