Today in History: Golden Gate Bridge

Today in History: Golden Gate Bridge

Today in History–May 27–the Library of Congress features the Golden Gate Bridge, opened on this date in 1937. The orange suspension bridge was the longest at the time, spanning 4,200 feet and connecting San Francisco to the south with Marin County, California to the north. Lead engineer Joseph Baermann Strauss stressed safety during the bridge building, instituting the wearing…

Today in History: Montana

Today in History: Montana

Today in History–May 26–the Library of Congress features Montana, which first became a territory on this date in 1864 approximately four years after gold was discovered. Twenty-five years later, in 1889, Montana became the forty-first state. Numerous Native American tribes called Montana home and many still do. Learn more about big sky country by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the…

Today in History: Committee of Vigilance & Vigilantes

Today in History: Committee of Vigilance & Vigilantes

Today in History–May 15–the Library of Congress features San Francisco‘s second Committee of Vigilance organized on this day in 1856 to combat crime in the boomtown. Committee members were overwhelming Republicans and Democrat “crooks” were often the target of the vigilance. Learn more by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access primary sources related to…

Today in History: Gifford Pinchot

Today in History: Gifford Pinchot

Today in History–May 13–the Library of Congress features the opening day of the Governors’ Conference on the Conservation of Natural Resources on this day in 1908. President Theodore Roosevelt delivered the stirring opening address but the conference was spearheaded by Chief Forester of the United States Gifford Pinchot. The conference helped put the spotlight on conservationism. Pinchot later went on to…

Today in History: Henry Cabot Lodge

Today in History: Henry Cabot Lodge

Today in History–May 12–the Library of Congress features politician and historian Henry Cabot Lodge, born on this day in 1850. Lodge was a long-standing member of Congress, serving the state of Massachusetts as a U.S. representative from 1887 to 1893 and a U.S. senator from 1893 to 1924. This Republican statesman is perhaps best known for his staunch argument against U.S….

Today in History: General James Longstreet

Today in History: General James Longstreet

Today in History–May 6–the Library of Congress features General James Longstreet. On this day in 1864, this officer of the Confederate Army was seriously wounded by his own troops during the second day of fighting at the Battle of the Wilderness near Fredericksburg, Virginia. A career military man who was educated at West Point, was second-in-command to General Robert E. Lee. The Confederate leader…

Today in History: Preliminary Articles of Peace Ratified

Today in History: Preliminary Articles of Peace Ratified

Today in History–April 15–the Library of Congress features the Continental Congress ratification of the preliminary articles of peace  with Great Britain on this date in 1783. Negotiations to conclude the Revolutionary War had begun a year earlier. “International intrigue and intense negotiation preceded the formulation of these preliminary articles.” The final, formal treaty was signed on September 3, 1783…