Today in History: County and State Fairs

Today in History: County and State Fairs

Today in History–August 22–the Library of Congress features county and state fairs, many of which are held around this date. County and state fairs feature entertainment as well as showcase the agricultural industry and rural lifestyles. Learn more by reviewing the Today in History section, then click the links below to access primary sources & more. County and State…

Today in History: Juneteenth

Today in History: Juneteenth

Today in History–June 19–TPS-Barat features Juneteenth. On this date in 1865, Major General Gordon Granger issued General Order No. 3 in Galveston, Texas, informing the slaves of the Emancipation Proclamation, issued two and a half years earlier by President Abraham Lincoln. Although Juneteenth was informally celebrated each year since 1865, it wasn’t until June 3,…

Today in History: Clara Barton & the Red Cross

Today in History: Clara Barton & the Red Cross

Today in History–May 21–TPS-Barat features Clarissa “Clara” Barton, who founded the Red Cross on this date in 1881. A former teacher, Barton was working in the U.S. patent office at the start of the Civil War. Despite having little nursing training, Barton administered aid to soldiers at several battlefields. After the war she established the…

Today in History: Join or Die

Today in History: Join or Die

Today in History–May 9–the Library of Congress features the first political cartoon published in the United States  on this day in 1754. The “Join or Die” cartoon, purportedly devised by Benjamin Franklin, provided commentary on the need for the colonies to join together against French and Native American aggression along the western frontier. Learn more by visiting…

Integrating Tech: Hashtags Through Today in History

Integrating Tech: Hashtags Through Today in History

Missouri high school social studies teacher @Bethany_Petty posted a creative idea for integrating technology into primary source learning that she dubbed as Hashtags Through History. Here is a brief overview from her blog Teaching with Technology. This activity requires students to locate an image that depicts a historic event, create a username for a person that lived…

Today in History: Haiti

Today in History: Haiti

Today in History–January 2–the Library of Congress features Haiti. On this date in 1893 Frederick Douglass, who once served as U.S. minister to this Caribbean country, delivered an address at the dedication of the Haitian Pavilion at the World’s Columbian Exposition. Learn more Douglass’ speech and the country by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access…

Today in History: Hoover Dam

Today in History: Hoover Dam

Today in History–December 21–the Library of Congress features the Hoover Dam, which got its start when President Calvin Coolidge signed the Boulder Canyon Project Act on this date in 1928. Originally known as the Boulder Dam, this wonder of civil engineering distributes water from the Colorado River for use in Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah,…

Today in History: Halifax Explosion

Today in History: Halifax Explosion

Today in History–December 6–TPS-Barat features the Halifax explosion, which occurred on this day in 1917. The largest man-made explosion in history, killed nearly 2,000, injured around 9,000, and left approximately 6,000 people homeless. It’s a story of local devastation but also of multinational cooperation. Click the primary sources and other resources below to learn more….