Primary Source Learning: Women Breaking Barriers

Primary Source Learning: Women Breaking Barriers

Make connections to women’s history by exploring this primary source set put together by TPS Teachers Network Lead Mentor and curriculum specialist Cheryl Davis. Originally created as an Apple eBook, Reminders from the Ceiling Breakers is now a shareable primary source album available from the TPS Teachers Network. The album contains 12 digital postcards created with photographs…

NHD 2023: Topic Selection, Research, Sources & More

NHD 2023: Topic Selection, Research, Sources & More

Students, we have compiled a big list of resources to help you dig deep into National History Day (NHD) projects. Understanding NHD Projects Read the Contest Rule Book carefully. English | Spanish Watch the NHD Contest Rules video. Explore the categories. Click the orange buttons to learn more about each category. Documentary rules video project checklist evaluation…

On Your Time Learning: NEA TPS Micro-credentials

On Your Time Learning: NEA TPS Micro-credentials

Citizen U has developed a series of 8 micro-credentials (MCs) in a partnership with the National Education Association (NEA) and thanks to the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources TPS program grant. This professional learning offering aims to help educators better integrate inquiry learning with primary sources into instruction across grades and disciplines using…

Primary Source Learning: Teacher-Created Lesson Plans

Primary Source Learning: Teacher-Created Lesson Plans

The Teacher’s section on features close to 100 teacher-created lesson plans. As you can see from the image above, lesson plans are listed in alphabetical order and there is a handy search bar to help you easily conduct a keyword search. Use the links below to jump to select groupings of the lesson…

Analyzing Primary Sources: Technology & Presidential Nominating Conventions

Analyzing Primary Sources: Technology & Presidential Nominating Conventions

Political conventions have been part of the presidential nominating process for many years, but where conventions are held, who attends, and what happens at them has changed over time. First, analyze sources related to the Democratic Party’s national conventions in 1928 and in 1960. What similarities do you see? What differences? In particular, look for…

Integrating Tech: Post-It App & Primary Source Analysis

Integrating Tech: Post-It App & Primary Source Analysis

In a TPS Network resource album available to the public, elementary teacher librarian and former teacher in residence at the Library of Congress, Tom Bober (@CaptainLibrary), outlines how his students analyzed an historical newspaper article using the See Think Wonder strategy that layered in the Post-it® app for iPad to help organize students’ thinking. The…

Primary Source Spotlight: Flight & Planes

Primary Source Spotlight: Flight & Planes

The Dream of Flight online exhibition With Wings as Eagles: From Fantasy to Flight (primary source sets documenting the history of flight) Today in History: Wright Brothers First Flight Early Women in Aviation 1910-19: Topics in Chronicling America Introduction & timeline Search strategies & selected articles American Female Pilots 1911-21: Topics in Chronicling America Introduction &…

Learning from the Source: Technology Time Travel

Learning from the Source: Technology Time Travel

Become a time traveling sleuth with historical newspapers to discover how the hot new technology at the turn of the 20th century evolved. Work in groups to analyze the primary sources and, together, uncover the evolution of radio technology. Next, investigate other primary and secondary sources to compare and contrast radio’s evolution to another technology…