Learning from the Source: Indian Territory Resettlement

Learning from the Source: Indian Territory Resettlement

In his article, “Thinking Like an Historian“, from the TPS Quarterly archive (now the TPS Journal), Sam Wineburg points out how many students’ view of history—memorization—diverges from that of historians—investigation—and offers advice for using primary sources to engage students in the “historical approach”. Doing so will help students make more authentic and lasting connections to important…

Analyzing Primary Sources: Primary Source Investigations

Analyzing Primary Sources: Primary Source Investigations

One of the design considerations of the Common Core State Standards is the integration of research and media skills into the literacy framework. To be ready for college, workforce training, and life in a technological society, students need the ability to gather, comprehend, evaluate, synthesize, and report on information and ideas, to conduct original research in order…

Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Video Recordings

Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Video Recordings

Video is used to tell stories and provide information. Because we live in a world increasingly dominated by video, it is critical that we teach students how to analyze this powerful primary source that combines moving images with sound and, sometimes, text. In addition to dramatic or documentary films, primary source video recordings include news…

Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Audio Recordings

Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Audio Recordings

Written texts can be very powerful, but add sound and those words gain an extra dimension; just think of the difference between reading a speech and hearing one, particularly one delivered by a talented orator. In addition to speeches, primary source audio recordings include interviews, press conferences, testimonies, advertisements, entertainment broadcasts, and more. The Library…

Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Music

Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Music

Music can trigger powerful emotions and brain research has shown the strong link between emotion and memory. Songs and sheet music, also referred to as musical scores, are great primary sources to use with students to enable them tap into the feelings and emotions surrounding historical events and figures. Analyzing recorded songs and sheet music, which often…

Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Political Cartoons

Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Political Cartoons

Political cartoons, many of which contain both an image and text, are great primary sources to use with students to help them recognize and understand symbolism, perspective, and bias as well as put people, events, issues, and ideas into historical context. The analysis of political cartoons, like other primary source images, Common Core English Language Arts Standards (CCSS). They…

Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Texts

Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Texts

The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) strike a balance between the reading of literature and informational texts and promote the use of a wide range of text types: “Through reading a diverse array of classic and contemporary literature as well as challenging informational texts in a range of subjects, students are expected to build knowledge, gain…

Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Maps

Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Maps

Oh, the wonderful worlds we discover when we look at maps! The original infographics, maps help us visualize places, features, activities, distributions, routes, and more. The Common Core English Language Arts Standards (CCSS) consider maps a type of informational text for grades K-5 and the analysis of primary source maps is particularly emphasized in CCSS Reading Anchor Standard 7—Integrate and…

Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Images

Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Images

They say pictures are worth a thousand words. Primary source images, whether they are photographs or prints, provide windows into unique perspectives of people, places, and events. The analysis of primary source images helps scaffold and differentiate learning and aligns closely to the Common Core English Language Arts Standards (CCSS). The Library of Congress is a treasure…

Selecting Primary Sources: Criteria for Classroom Use

Selecting Primary Sources: Criteria for Classroom Use

Primary source analysis promotes information literacy, a vital skill for competent citizens. When selecting primary sources to use with students, keep the criteria listed below in mind to ensure valuable learning experiences. KNOW YOUR STUDENTS Engagement Will your students want to dig deep, ask questions, and learn more about the primary source? Is the source interesting?…

Learning from the Source: The Art of Tribute

Learning from the Source: The Art of Tribute

From the Library of Congress bicentennial exhibition—With Malice Toward None—we learn a bit about the profound effect Abraham Lincoln’s death had on people all over the world. The assassination of President Abraham Lincoln on Good Friday, April 14, 1865, had a tremendous impact both in the United States and abroad. People in Great Britain, which…

Analyzing Primary Sources: Primary Source Thinking Triangle Activity

Analyzing Primary Sources: Primary Source Thinking Triangle Activity

Educational consultant and author Dr. Bertie Kingore has some great ideas for teaching. TPS-Barat adapted her thinking triangle for use with primary source image analysis. This activity requires students to use higher level thinking skills as they interact with a primary source image. The thinking triangle also gives students practice in the visual equivalent of…