Sitdown strikers in the Fisher body plant

Primary Source Spotlight: Flint Sit-Down Strike

Labor strategists confer with heads image Jan. 12, 1937 Head of U.A.W. (United Auto Workers) Women’s Auxiliary kitchen set up in a restaurant image Jan.-Feb., 1937 More Flint strike photos Flint factory video Flint sit down 1936-37 historical newspaper coverage Flint strike 1936-37 historical newspaper coverage The Flint, Michigan, Sit-Down Strike resource guide Flint Sit-Down Strike (1936-1937)…

Learning from the Source: Cesar Chavez & Good Citizenship

Learning from the Source: Cesar Chavez & Good Citizenship

This activity is adapted from lessons in the Barat Education Foundation Our American Voice® program. This civics program for 4-8 graders features a spiral curriculum and emphasizes critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving skills as students learn the fundamentals of American democracy and work to create positive change in their communities. Overview Using Cesar Chavez as an…

Emergency hospital in anthracite coal mines

Today in History: Anthracite Coal Strike

Today in History–October 3–the Library of Congress features the Anthracite coal strike. On this day in 1902, President Theodore Roosevelt met with miners and coalfield operators in an attempt to settle the five-month-old strike; he was the first U.S. president to intervene in a labor dispute. Roosevelt appointed a commission to help negotiate terms of a settlement, which…

Today in History: Rock Springs Massacre

Today in History: Rock Springs Massacre

Today in History–September 2–the Library of Congress features the Rock Springs massacre, which happened on this day in 1885 when a mob of white coal miners attacked their Chinese co-workers after they refused to participate in a strike for higher wages planned by the American miners. Find out more by visiting the Today in History section then click the links below…

Learning from the Source: Media & Migrant Laborer Perspectives

Learning from the Source: Media & Migrant Laborer Perspectives

Voices from the Dust Bowl: The Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin Migrant Worker Collection is an online presentation of a multi-format ethnographic field collection documenting the everyday life of residents of Farm Security Administration (FSA) migrant work camps in central California in 1940 and 1941. Todd and Sonkin, both of the City College of New York, traveled to Arvin, Bakersfield, El Rio, Firebaugh, Porterville,…