Today in History: The Bill of Rights

Today in History: The Bill of Rights

Today in History–December 15–the Library of Congress features the Bill of Rights, ratified on this day in 1791. Did you know that, originally, 12 amendments were proposed? The original first amendment dealt with the number of people each congressional district should have and the second with congressional pay; neither was ratified but the latter did become…

Today in History: George Washington Dies

Today in History: George Washington Dies

Today in History–December 14–the Library of Congress features George Washington, who died on this date in 1799 at his Mount Vernon home. Learn more about our nation’s first president (1789-97) by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access more stories and primary sources about the death of this founding father. George Washington Died at His…

Today in History: Mathematician & Astronomer Benjamin Banneker

Today in History: Mathematician & Astronomer Benjamin Banneker

Today in History–November 9–the Library of Congress features mathematician and astronomer Benjamin Banneker, born on this day in 1731. This largely self-taught surveyor and scientist influenced how African Americans were viewed during the Federal period. Learn more about Banneker by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access more primary sources and other resources related to Banneker,…

Today in History: The Federalist Papers

Today in History: The Federalist Papers

Today in History–October 27–the Library of Congress features the Federalist Papers, the first of which was published on this day in 1787. This series of essays, 85 in all, were published in newspapers under the name of Publius but were actually written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay. Their purpose, in essence, was to argue for the…

Today in History: Louisiana Purchase Treaty

Today in History: Louisiana Purchase Treaty

Today in History–October 20–the Library of Congress features the Louisiana Purchase Treaty, ratified by the Senate on this day in 1803. For many fascinating facts about this key purchase, visit the Today in History section, then click the links below to access more primary sources about the Louisiana Purchase. The Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark Expedition primary source set with teacher’s…

Today in History: James Monroe

Today in History: James Monroe

Today in History–October 17–the Library of Congress features James Monroe, who wrote wrote a letter on this date in 1823 to friend and former president Thomas Jefferson seeking advice on foreign policy. Both Jefferson and  James Madison, another former president, advised Monroe to join with Great Britain in a declaration warning other European nations not to intervene in the affairs of Central and South America….

Today in History: The White House

Today in History: The White House

Today in History–October 13–the Library of Congress features the White House, celebrating the date in 1792 when the first cornerstone was laid.  Learn more about the Executive mansion by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access more stories and primary sources about the United States presidential home. White House Expense List, Thomas Jefferson, April 19, 1809…

Today in History: The Star Spangled Banner

Today in History: The Star Spangled Banner

Today in History–September 13–the Library of Congress features our national anthem, the Star Spangled Banner. On September 13, 1814 a lawyer named Francis Scott Key witnessed the British bombing Fort McHenry from Baltimore harbor and decided to write a song to commemorate what he saw. Uncover more of the story by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to…

Today in History: The Burning of Washington

Today in History: The Burning of Washington

Today in History–August 19–the Library of Congress features the burning of the capital city by British troops during the War of 1812. On August 19, 1814 the British landed at Benedict, Maryland. Five days later, on August 24, British forces attacked Washington D.C., setting fire to many government buildings including the White House and the Capitol building (which housed the 3,000-volume Library of…

Today in History: Meriwether Lewis (& William Clark)

Today in History: Meriwether Lewis (& William Clark)

Today in History–August 18–the Library of Congress features explorer Meriwether Lewis, born on this day in 1774. Together with William Clark, Lewis set out on May 14, 1804 at the behest of President Thomas Jefferson to look for a Northwest Passage, or water route to the Pacific Ocean. Find out more by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below…

Today in History: Religious Freedom

Today in History: Religious Freedom

Today in History–August 17–the Library of Congress features a letter dated August 17, 1790 that George Washington penned to Moses Seixas, a prominent Jewish leader in Rhode Island, that articulated Washington’s belief in religious freedom and the first presidential affirmation of the free and equal status of Jewish-American citizens. “All possess alike liberty of conscience and immunities of citizenship…