Learning from the Source: Primary Source Trail of Western Migration

Learning from the Source: Primary Source Trail of Western Migration

Background The “Corps of Discovery” expedition led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark in the years 1804-1806 was instrumental in opening up western North America to settlement. After this defining exploration, fur companies further investigated  westward routes. Financed by John J. Astor’s Pacific Fur Company, an 1812 expedition led by Robert Stuart began on the west coast…

Today in History: United States Military Academy at West Point

Today in History: United States Military Academy at West Point

Today in History–March 16–the Library of Congress features United States Military Academy at West Point, founded on this date in 1802. Located on the Hudson River north of New York City,  West Point is one of the world’s oldest military service academies and was attended by many of the nation’s leading military commanders.  The academy is well…

Today in History: Texas Annexation

Today in History: Texas Annexation

Today in History–June 23–the Library of Congress features the vote for annexation of Texas by the United States on this date in 1845. Texas had tried for statehood back in 1836 after gaining independence from Mexico but the U.S. Congress was unwilling to admit another state that permitted slavery. But by December 29, 1845, Texas became the twenty-eighth state in the…

Presidential Spotlight: John Quincy Adams

Presidential Spotlight: John Quincy Adams

From America’s Library: Born: July 11, 1767 Died: Feb. 23, 1848 John Quincy Adams was the sixth president of the United States and the first son of a former president who himself became president. (George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush are the only other father-son presidents.) John Quincy Adams was well known for his diplomatic success…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: States & Territories in Population

Guided Primary Source Analysis: States & Territories in Population

Review the complete document: “Statistical atlas of the United States, based upon the results of the eleventh census” H/T to educator extraordinaire, Cheryl Davis, aka @digitalteacher Which state had the biggest population growth according to this chart? Which region (Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Northwest, Southwest) had the biggest population gains during these 100 years? What other trend(s) can you…

Primary Source Spotlight: Western Expansion & Manifest Destiny

Primary Source Spotlight: Western Expansion & Manifest Destiny

This set of primary sources and teaching resources focuses, primarily, on the time period 1800-1860. Western expansion stories from America’s Library Western expansion timeline (includes primary source activities) Primary source sets Primary source collections American migration timeline and maps (in English and Russian) The right of Nebraska, 1854 (sheet music) Key government documents related to territorial expansion…

Today in History: Siege of Fort Meigs

Today in History: Siege of Fort Meigs

Today in History–May 9–the Library of Congress features the siege of Fort Meigs by Shawnee military leader Tecumseh and British general Henry A. Proctor on this day in 1813.  But the invaders were unsuccessful as General William Henry Harrison held onto the fort that he had ordered built on the Maumee River above Toledo, Ohio. Learn more by visiting the Today in History section, then click…