Timely Connections: Teaching About Presidential Impeachment

Timely Connections: Teaching About Presidential Impeachment

In the article, Teaching Impeachment in Politically Risky Times, Education Week discusses the issues teachers face in the current context and the importance of seizing this teachable moment. “For the nation’s government and civics teachers, it all comes down to this: The wheels of a rarely used, constitutionally prescribed process—impeachment—have been set in motion. And…

Timely Connections: Border Spaces Across Time

Timely Connections: Border Spaces Across Time

In a blog post titled, “Comparing Primary Sources Depicting Border Spaces” Library of Congress 2019 Hispanic Division Junior Fellow Jaime Conlan provides insight into using historical and contemporary photographs to serve as an important entryway to discuss difficult issues relevant to the curriculum and, ultimately, to better understand Mexico/U.S. border space. Read the full blog…


World Spotlight: Pakistan

Pakistan: Places in the News articles Pakistan country profile Pakistan country study Pakistan profile BBC Pakistan timeline BBC Pakistan primary sources from the World Digital Library Pakistan maps Pakistan images Audio recordings related to Pakistan Pakistan: U.S. veteran’s oral histories Alan Lomax Collection Manuscripts, Pakistani indigenous singing groups Manuscripts, Performance style, Choreometrics, sources, Correspondence and notes…

Land of the Incas

World Spotlight: Peru

Peru: Places in the News Peru country study Country profile: Peru BBC Peru timeline BBC Peru primary source set from the World Digital Library Peru images Peru maps Pizarro in Peru sheet music Peruvian song recordings Peruvian literary recordings Manuscripts, Performance style, Choreometrics, sources, Correspondence and notes by culture, Peru Alan Lomax Collection Service in Peru: U.S. veteran…

Voting Rights Act 1965

Primary Source Spotlight: Voting Rights Act of 1965

Online exhibition items & curator notes Voting Rights Act of 1965 African American Odyssey Voting Rights Act of 1965 Civil Rights Act of 1964 Voting Rights Act of 1965 NAACP: A Century in the Fight for Freedom Voting rights political cartoons by Herb Block Don’t Be Getting Any Ideas That You Have a Right to Vote March 11,1965…

Viege, Switzerland

World Spotlight: Switzerland

Switzerland country profile BBC Switzerland timeline BBC Switzerland primary source set from the World Digital Library Switzerland map More Switzerland maps Basel, Switzerland map Switzerland images Films Bataille de fleurs et défilé de chars, I 1897 Scene in the Swiss village at Paris Exposition 1900 Swiss village, no. 2 1900 Swiss related webcasts Jung & Aging: Bringing to Life the…

Important government shutdown notice for the Stature of Liberty

Timely Connections: U.S. Government Shutdowns

The latest U.S. government shutdown, begun on December 22, 2018 and suspended on January 25, 2019 is the longest in history. Find out what happens during a government shutdown. Read news articles following the suspension of the shutdown. Review timelines of past shutdowns from various news sources. Investigate historical and current legislation related to U.S….


World Spotlight: Morocco

Morocco primary source set World Digital Library Morocco map Fez and the Kingdom of Morocco map Morocco image set Morocco printed ephemera (tourism, food, folklore) Alan Lomax collection 1967 Moroccan chorus and dance song recording 1959 U.S. historical newspaper coverage of Morocco Books and other texts related to Morocco U.S. veteran oral histories (Morocco service) Morocco…

Influenza spread by droplets sprayed from nose and throat

Primary Source Spotlight: Influenza

Early influenza sources An address of thanks from the faculty to the Right Honble, Mr. Influenzy for his kind visit to this country 1803 An account of the origin, symptoms, and cure of the influenza or epidemic catarrh 1832 Kartogramma “grippa”, oktiabrʹ 1889-mart 1890 shows occurrence of influenza by province (Russia) Influenza pandemic 1918-1919 Rampaging…