Vietnam memorial soldiers

Primary Source Spotlight: Vietnam War

Vietnam Veteran collections Personal Snapshots: Picturing the Vietnam War Select Vietnam veteran digitized collections Vietnam War: Looking Back Part 1 Vietnam War: Looking Back Part 2 Vietnam War: Looking Back Part 3 Vietnam War: Looking Back Part 4 All Vietnam veteran digitized oral history collections (some contain additional items such letters, photos, etc.) Vietnam War images…

Bridge over branch of many-mouthed Mekong

World Spotlight: Vietnam

Vietnam country profile Vietnam country study Vietnam primary source set World Digital Library Vietnam maps Vietnam images Group of children, with baskets, posed under palm tree, Saigon Group of ten workers posed by palm trees, Saigon Two women posed, seated, Saigon Mandarin, full length, seated, facing front, Saigon Elderly man watching two young boys Street in…

The harbor, Christiansted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands

Today in History: U.S. Virgin Islands

Today in History–March 31–the Library of Congress features the U.S. Virgin Islands. On this date in 1917, the United States took formal possession of the Danish West Indies, renaming them the Virgin Islands. The U.S. purchased the islands from Denmark for $25 million because of their strategic location near the Panama Canal. Learn more by visiting the Today in History section,…

Massachusetts: Frederick Douglass

State Spotlight: Massachusetts

Massachusetts primary source set with Teacher’s Guide Massachusetts maps Pictorial Americana: Selected images of Massachusetts More Massachusetts images The Mohawk Trail Region primary source set Photographs of the sea floor of western Massachusetts Bay July 1999 Films and event recordings related to Massachusetts Massachusetts oral histories Massachusetts song recordings Massachusetts sheet music Song sheets related to Massachusetts Massachusetts books &…

Sunnyside--on the Hudson

State Spotlight: New York

New York state primary source set with teacher’s guide New York state resource guide New York state maps Greater New York Illustrated (1899) Pictorial Americana: Selected images of New York state New York state images New York state books & articles New York historical newspapers New York state reports, printed ephemera, correspondence & other texts New York…

Acadia National Park, Maine

Today in History: Acadia National Park

Today in History–February 26–the Library of Congress features Acadia National Park in Maine. On this day in 1919, Congress approved an Act to Establish the Lafayette National Park at Mt. Desert Island. Ten years later this coastal Maine park expanded and was renamed Acadia National Park. Learn more by visiting the Today in History section then discovering the primary source linked to below. Acadia National Park…

Moses of her people - San Francisco Call

Primary Source Spotlight: Harriet Tubman

From America’s Library Born: c. 1820, Dorchester County, Maryland Died: March 10, 1913, Auburn, New York Harriet Tubman was a runaway slave from Maryland who became known as the “Moses of her people.” Over the course of 10 years, and at great personal risk, she led hundreds of slaves to freedom along the Underground Railroad, a secret…

John Adams, 2nd President of the United States

Presidential Spotlight: John Adams

From America’s Library: Born: October 30 (October 19, Old Style), 1735, in Braintree (now Quincy), Massachusetts Died: July 4, 1826, in Braintree (now Quincy), Massachusetts John Adams worked as a teacher and lawyer before dedicating himself to a life of patriotism and politics. He was America’s second president. Adams was well known for his extreme political independence,…


State Spotlight: Texas

Texas stories from America’s Library Texas primary source set with Teacher’s Guide Texas maps Pictorial Americana: selected images of Texas More Texas images Texas historical films Texas sheet music Songs & oral histories related to Texas Texas veterans oral histories Texas personal narratives from the American Folklife Center Texas Life Histories: Manuscripts from the Federal Writers’ Project Texas stories: Voices From the Days of Slavery Texas books & other texts 1800-1929…

Nixon sends GIs into Cambodia

World Spotlight: Cambodia

Cambodia primary source set World Digital Library Cambodia maps Foreign Affairs oral histories mentioning Cambodia Historic U.S. newspaper coverage of Cambodia (through 1922) “A Cambodian Ceremony” Scribners Monthly, an illustrated magazine for the people Volume 9, Issue 1, November 1874 “The Cambodian House” Manufacturer and Builder Volume 19, Issue 5, May 1887 Journey to Freedom: The Boat People Retrospective 2009 webcast U.S. legislation related to Cambodia…