Finding Resources: What’s Available When Is Offline

Finding Resources: What’s Available When Is Offline

Sometimes and some of its associated sites are not available. Whether that’s because of maintenance or a government shutdown, don’t despair. Here are some ways to access great Library resources. legislative information on available Library of Congress Flickr account image sets available, including access to larger images and bibliographic information Library of Congress YouTube channel videos…

Finding Resources: Searching the Prints & Photographs Online Catalog

Finding Resources: Searching the Prints & Photographs Online Catalog

Overview The Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Online Catalog (PPOC) provides access to over a million digitized images, including photographs, fine and popular prints and drawings, posters, and architectural and engineering drawings. While there are collections with an international scope, the 70 collections are particularly rich in materials produced in and about the history and…

Finding Resources: Chronicling America Historic Newspapers Advanced Search Tips

Finding Resources: Chronicling America Historic Newspapers Advanced Search Tips

Overview Chronicling America Historic Newspapers is produced by the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP), a partnership between the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the Library of Congress, as a long-term effort to develop an Internet-based, searchable database of U.S. newspapers with coverage from 1836-1922. As of March, 2013, the Chronicling American digitized database contained more…

Finding Resources: Searching Across

Finding Resources: Searching Across

Searching Across The Library of Congress is continually making improvements to the search functions of the online Library. Although the Library is vast and contains many sections, fruitful searches across are possible. Keyword Search Tips Remember when searching for historical primary sources that you may need to try different terms applicable to the…

Finding Resources: Chronicling America Historic Newspaper Topic Guides

Finding Resources: Chronicling America Historic Newspaper Topic Guides

The Teaching with Library of Congress blog provides some great tips for finding articles in the Chronicling America Historic Newspaper Collections and provides some teaching ideas as well. Be sure to check out, too, the following learning activity: Comparing Reports: Battle of Little Bighorn. Below is a list of topic guides by subject, each of which…