Today in History: Elizabeth Keckley

Today in History: Elizabeth Keckley

Today in History–November 15–the Library of Congress features Elizabeth Hobbs Keckley, whose emancipation deed was signed on this date in 1855. Although best known for her role as confidante and dressmaker to President Lincoln’s wife, Mary Todd, Keckley was also an author and a generous philanthropist who assisted escapees from southern slavery. Find out more…

Primary Source Spotlight: Black Hawk War of 1832

Primary Source Spotlight: Black Hawk War of 1832

Black Hawk 1832 historical newspaper coverage Indian Wars of the West 1833 Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak, or Black Hawk, and Scenes in the West: a National Poem in Six Cantos 1849 The Great Indian Chief of the West: Life and Adventures of Black Hawk 1854 Battle of Bad Axe print 1857 Scenes and adventures in the army: or, Romance of military…

Collections Spotlight: Floods & Landslides

Collections Spotlight: Floods & Landslides

Floods Flood images Flood maps Oral histories related to floods Flood sheet music Swept by Mighty Waters c. 1913 Books, reports and other texts related to floods U.S. historical newspaper coverage: flood disasters Johnstown Flood (1899): Topics in Chronicling America select articles & timeline Galveston Flood of 1900: Topics in Chronicling America select articles & timeline…

Primary Source Spotlight: Civilian Conservation Corps

Primary Source Spotlight: Civilian Conservation Corps

Civilian Conservation Corps image set Civilian Conservation Corps images by state CCC Legacy Civilian Conservation Corps oral history recordings Civilian Conservation Corps historical newspaper articles Reports & other texts related to the Civilian Conservation Corps More Civilian Conservation Corps documents CCC Legacy Federal regulations related to the Civilian Conservation Corps Modern U.S. legislation related to…

Primary Source Spotlight: Smallpox & Inoculation

Primary Source Spotlight: Smallpox & Inoculation

1721 proclamation mentioning small pox The Fight Over Inoculation During the 1721 Boston Smallpox Epidemic Science in the News, Harvard University An historical account of the small-pox inoculated in New-England 1726 Internet Archive George Washington Papers, Series 4, General Correspondence: Massachusetts House of Representatives, October 5, 1775, Smallpox Resolution George Washington letter to Martha Washington urging inoculation…

NHD 2023 – Frontiers in History: Ideas Resource Sets

NHD 2023 – Frontiers in History: Ideas Resource Sets

The 2023 National History Day theme is Frontiers in History: People, Places, Ideas. A frontier may represent the outermost limits of a defined body of knowledge or a new field waiting to explored. While considering topics for history fair projects, keep the following questions from the NHD 2023 themebook in mind. What factors contributed to the…

NHD 2023 – Frontiers in History: Places Resource Sets

NHD 2023 – Frontiers in History: Places Resource Sets

The 2023 National History Day theme is Frontiers in History: People, Places, Ideas. A frontier may be a geographical  area like a new region beyond some established border. While considering topics for history fair projects, keep the following questions from the NHD 2023 themebook in mind. What factors contributed to the development of a frontier?…

NHD 2023 – Frontiers in History: People Resource Sets

NHD 2023 – Frontiers in History: People Resource Sets

The 2023 National History Day theme is Frontiers in History: People, Places, Ideas. People from all walks of live have pushed frontier boundaries by thinking outside the box and taking action. While considering topics for history fair projects, keep the following questions from the NHD 2023 themebook in mind. What factors contributed to the development…

World Spotlight: Republic of Korea (South Korea)

World Spotlight: Republic of Korea (South Korea)

Republic of Korea maps South Korea maps Maps of Seoul, South Korea Under Japanese Occupation South Korea images Republic of Korea reports & other texts South Korea reports & other texts Republic of Korea: historical U.S. newspaper coverage South Korea: historical U.S. newspaper coverage Korean Culture Art Program and Concert event recording Republic of Korea:…

Primary Source Spotlight: U.S. Military Conscription (the Draft)

Primary Source Spotlight: U.S. Military Conscription (the Draft)

The Draft Riots of 1863 : A Historical Study Read at the Meeting of the Ohio Commandery Civil War draft riots Civil War induction officer with lottery box photograph Civil War Conscription Laws In Custodia Legis November 15, 2012 Freemen! Avoid Conscription! 1862 broadside Abraham’s draft, 600,000 more 1862 sheet music Southern “volunteers” 1862 political…

Primary Source Spotlight: Mississippi River

Primary Source Spotlight: Mississippi River

Mississippi River maps Mississippi River images Civil War Mississippi River Fleet image set The River 1938 film Audio recordings related to the Mississippi River songs & oral histories The Mississippi River 1851 sheet music Correspondence related to the Mississippi River Reports & other texts related to the Mississippi River Mississippi River historical newspaper articles &…