Guided Primary Source Analysis: Rats Leaving a Falling House

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Rats Leaving a Falling House

Zoom into a larger image of this political cartoon. Make a list of details that you see. Then describe the story you think this source tells using the details you noted as evidence. Compare and contrast this source with a similar political cartoon by Edward W. Clay (view larger image). What similarities and differences do you…

Today in History: Touro Synagogue

Today in History: Touro Synagogue

Today in History–December 2–the Library of Congress features the Touro Synagogue, dedicated on this date in 1763. Named for the first officiating rabbi, Isaac Touro, the first synagogue in the U.S. was built in Newport, Rhode Island. Learn more about the Touro Synagogue and Newport’s Jewish community by visiting the Today in History section as well as the links below. First…

Today in History: Stravinsky & Balanchine

Today in History: Stravinsky & Balanchine

Today in History–December 1–the Library of Congress features the New York City Ballet premier of Agon, a collaboration between Igor Stravinsky and George Balanchine, on this date in 1957. Both Russian émigrés and colleagues from the Paris Ballet Russes, Stravinsky was a top composer of ballet music and Balanchine a leading ballet choreographer. Learn more by visiting the Today in History section…

Tech Tools: Citation Tools

Tech Tools: Citation Tools

There are many digital citation tools available to help students properly cite the sources used in research projects. Below is a brief overview of five free resources. EasyBib Pros: numerous source types; auto search and annotation options; free Android and iOS apps and a Google Docs Add-on Cons: multiple advertisements; does not offer Turabian style Styles:…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Thanksgiving Shopping Insert

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Thanksgiving Shopping Insert

Zoom into this newspaper page online or download a larger image. Use the shopping insert to help craft a Thanksgiving menu. What would you serve based on the items offered for sale? Look closely at the illustrations surrounding the advertisements. Add speech bubbles to bring the scene depicted at the top of the page to life. Compare and contrast…

Today in History: Ruby Shoots Oswald

Today in History: Ruby Shoots Oswald

Today in History–November 24–the Library of Congress features the killing of John F. Kennedy’s accused assassin on this date in 1963. Just two days after the president was killed, Dallas, Texas nightclub owner Jack Ruby shot and killed the accused, Lee Harvey Oswald, while police were transferring him from one jail to another. Journalists who were on the…

Selecting Sources: Tertiary, Secondary, Primary

Selecting Sources: Tertiary, Secondary, Primary

When conducting research, you will likely use three types of sources: primary, secondary, and tertiary. While exact definitions may vary by discipline or institution, we hope this post will help you sort out the main distinctions between these types of sources and when to use each in the research process for National History Day (NHD) and other…

Today in History: The Gettysburg Address

Today in History: The Gettysburg Address

Today in History–November 19–the Library of Congress features the Gettysburg Address, delivered by Abraham Lincoln at the dedication of the Gettysburg National Cemetery on this date in 1863. Edward Everett, a well-known orator, delivered a two-hour speech. President Abraham Lincoln’s speech lasted only a few minutes. As the Library notes, “In spite of Lincoln’s disclaimer that ‘the…

Today in History: Suez Canal

Today in History: Suez Canal

Today in History–November 17–the Library of Congress features the Suez Canal, opened on this day in 1869. The waterway connects the Mediterranean Sea with the Indian Ocean. The longest canal in the world without locks, this heavily-traveled channel stretches 101 miles across Egypt’s Isthmus of Suez. Find out more by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links…

Using Sources: Citing Digitized Sources from the Library

Using Sources: Citing Digitized Sources from the Library provides researchers of all ages access to millions of digitized primary sources. When using these sources in research or learning projects, it is important to provide citations. Citing primary sources requires the researcher to think carefully about the source—who created/published/distributed it, when was it created, and from where was it accessed. Citing sources ensures that full…

Today in History: Veterans Day

Today in History: Veterans Day

Today in History–November 11–the Library of Congress features Veterans Day, first celebrated as Armistice Day on this date in 1919. Designated by President Woodrow Wilson on the date the Allied powers signed a ceasefire agreement with Germany, Armistice Day was designated Veterans Day in 1954 to honor veterans of all U.S. wars. Learn more by visiting the Today in History section…