Guided Primary Source Analysis: Chinese Citizenship in Hawaii

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Chinese Citizenship in Hawaii

This 1906 newspaper article quotes a 1904 magazine editorial, which sums up the “widely prevailing sentiment against the Chinese immigrant laborer in the United States.” Make a list of the arguments for the “defense of our political antagonism to the Chinaman”. The first page of the newspaper article responds to three arguments. Choose one and summarize the comparisons…

Today in History: Mary McLeod Bethune

Today in History: Mary McLeod Bethune

Today in History–May 18–the Library of Congress features educator and political leader Mary McLeod Bethune, who died on this date in 1955. After attending schools in South Carolina, North Carolina and Chicago, Illinois, Bethune taught for 10 years. In 1904 she opened the Daytona Educational and Industrial School for Negro Girls in Florida, which later merged with the all-male Cookman…

Teaching Now: Analyzing Primary Sources for Scientific Thinking & Organization

Teaching Now: Analyzing Primary Sources for Scientific Thinking & Organization

This is a guest post from Tom Bober (a.k.a. @CaptainLibrary), an elementary librarian at RM Captain Elementary in Clayton, Missouri and frequent contributor to the TPS Teachers Network. Earlier this school year I wrote about an activity in which third grade students analyzed primary sources from the Library of Congress, specifically the notes, diagrams, and…

Primary Source Spotlight: Albert Einstein

Primary Source Spotlight: Albert Einstein

Library of Congress blog posts Einstein at 100: Mapping the Universe Worlds Revealed: Geography & Maps December 2, 2015 Einstein’s Folklore December 18, 2013 Folklife Today Celebrate Einstein’s Birthday with Pi March 14, 2011 Inside Adams Albert Einstein background & primary sources Nobel Media “Albert Einstein lived here” April 19, 1955 political cartoon by Herb Block (scroll down page to read curator’s…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Woman and Child

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Woman and Child

Describe how this illustration makes you feel. What details in the drawing contribute to this feeling? Write a description of this scene or write a poem to accompany the illustration. Now read the poem that this drawing illustrated. Describe how this poem compares with what you wrote. What other observations, reflections or questions does this source…

Finding Resources: TPS Journal

Finding Resources: TPS Journal

Dig deep into a variety of teaching with primary sources topics. The TPS Journal, formerly titled the TPS Quarterly, is an online, peer-reviewed publication focused on pedagogical approaches to teaching with Library of Congress digitized primary sources in K-12 classrooms. Each issue provides sections related to the issue’s thematic focus: a feature article, an elementary primary source activity, a…

Today in History: Charles Darwin & Teaching Evolution

Today in History: Charles Darwin & Teaching Evolution

Today in History–May 5–the Library of Congress features the controversy surrounding teaching Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. On this date in 1925 John Scopes was arrested for teaching evolution in a Tennessee public high school. Originally conceived as both a test case and a publicity stunt, Scopes went to trial and was found guilty. Later, the Tennessee Supreme Court acquitted…

Today in History: Manhattan Island

Today in History: Manhattan Island

Today in History–May 4–the Library of Congress features Manhattan Island. On this date in 1626, Dutch colonist Peter Minuit arrived on the wooded island at the behest of the Dutch West India Company. Minuit later “purchased” the island from resident Algonquin Indians for the equivalent of $24.  The town of New Amsterdam, located at the southern end of the island,…

Primary Source Spotlight: Patricia Smith

Primary Source Spotlight: Patricia Smith

Patricia Smith The Poet & the Poem audio podcast This is My Story: Getting to Know Patricia Smith From the Catbird Seat blog February 9, 2015 Patricia Smith’s “Words That Force Us to Look” From the Catbird Seat April 22, 2013 Patricia Smith Bookfest bio Patricia Smith: 2009 National Book Festival video Necessary Utterance: Poetry as Cultural Force…

Today in History: Billy Bitzer & the Biograph Company

Today in History: Billy Bitzer & the Biograph Company

Today in History–April 28–the Library of Congress features Billy Bitzer, who filmed the short comedy Stealing a Dinner for the American Mutoscope & Biograph Company on this date in 1899. Bitzer was a great pioneer of early film and shot thousands of movies, including the infamous The Birth of a Nation. Find out more by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the…