Today in History: North Carolina

Today in History: North Carolina

Today in History–November 21–the Library of Congress features North Carolina, which ratified the Constitution on this day in 1789, becoming the 12th state in the new United States. Find out more about the history and culture of the “Tar Heel” state by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the links below to access more prime primary sources. North…

Today in History: Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre

Today in History: Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre

Today in History–November 18–the Library of Congress features French photography pioneer Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre, born on this day in 1789. The daguerreotype was a convenient and effective process which rapidly gained in the United States. Learn more about Daguerre and the daguerreotype by visiting the Today in History section and following the links below. America’s First Look into the Camera: Daguerreotype Portraits and Views,…

Today in History: Reformer Grace Abbott & Child Labor

Today in History: Reformer Grace Abbott & Child Labor

Today in History–November 17–the Library of Congress features reformer Grace Abbott, born on this day in 1878. Abbott gained recognition as an advocate for immigrants while working at the Hull House in Chicago and later fought to restrict child labor as the head of the U.S. Department of Labor Children’s Bureau. Learn more about this tireless…

Today in History: Oklahoma

Today in History: Oklahoma

Today in History–November 16–the Library of Congress features Oklahoma, which became the 46th state on this day in 1907. Find out more about the history and culture of the Sooner state by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the links below to access prime primary sources. Oklahoma stories from America’s Library Oklahoma primary source set with Teacher’s Guide Oklahoma historical newspapers Oklahoma…

Today in History: The Articles of Confederation

Today in History: The Articles of Confederation

Today in History–November 15–the Library of Congress features the Articles of Confederation, adopted by the Second Continental Congress on this day in 1777. Although Congress urged prompt action, it took more than three years for all thirteen states to ratify the articles that supported a loose confederation of sovereign states and a weak central government. Find out more…

Today in History: Aaron Copland

Today in History: Aaron Copland

Today in History–November 14–the Library of Congress features composer Aaron Copland, born on this day in 1900. Copland created scores that simplified music and expressed the American experience. Learn more about this prolific artist by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access more Copland treasures. Primary sources The Aaron Copland…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Tree of Liberty

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Tree of Liberty

Click here to save and download this primary source in .pdf format. Open up the document and use the magnification dropdown to look carefully at the political cartoon; if you are having trouble reading the text, use the transcription provided in the summary above. The illustration shows both northern and southern points of view. What…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Engine Company 54 lost 15 men, 9/11/01

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Engine Company 54 lost 15 men, 9/11/01

Look at this collage as a whole and then examine it’s details. What do you notice first? What else draws your attention? How does this work inform your understanding of this event and its impact? This artist and professor at the School of Visual Arts talked about why he uses everyday materials and what attracted…