Today in History: Winter Solstice

Today in History: Winter Solstice

Today in History–December 21–the Library of Congress features winter, as the winter solstice most frequently falls on this day each year. Learn more about the shortest day in the northern hemisphere and more fascinating frosty facts about the season by reading the Today in History section, then click the links below for loads of wintery primary source treasures and…

Today in History: First American Cotton Mill

Today in History: First American Cotton Mill

Today in History–December 20–the Library of Congress features the first American cotton mill, opened on this day in 1790. Learn more about the history of cotton mills in America by reviewing the Today in History section, then click the links below for related primary sources. The First American Cotton Mill Began Operation from America’s Library Cotton mill image set…

Today in History: Old Fort Niagara Captured

Today in History: Old Fort Niagara Captured

Today in History–December 19–the Library of Congress features the capture of Old Fort Niagara on this day in 1813. Learn more about this battle between American and British forces in the War of 1812 by reviewing the Today in History section, then click the links below for primary sources related to the fabulous Niagara Falls and New York. Fort Niagara…

Today in History: Nashville, Tennessee

Today in History: Nashville, Tennessee

Today in History–December 16–the Library of Congress features the Battle of Nashville, won by Union forces on this day in 1864. Learn more about the battle by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the links below to learn more about the history and culture of Tennessee’s “Music City” through this collection of primary sources. Battle of Nashville:…

Today in History: The Bill of Rights

Today in History: The Bill of Rights

Today in History–December 15–the Library of Congress features the Bill of Rights, ratified on this day in 1791. Did you know that, originally, 12 amendments were proposed? The original first amendment dealt with the number of people each congressional district should have and the second with congressional pay; neither was ratified but the latter did become…

Today in History: George Washington Dies

Today in History: George Washington Dies

Today in History–December 14–the Library of Congress features George Washington, who died on this date in 1799 at his Mount Vernon home. Learn more about our nation’s first president (1789-97) by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access more stories and primary sources about the death of this founding father. George Washington Died at His…

Primary Source Learning: America’s Library

Primary Source Learning: America’s Library

The Teaching with the Library of Congress blog provides an overview of the resources found in America’s Library and some great teaching ideas for using the website with younger students or older English language learners. For more involved projects, click the links below to access two primary source projects using America’s Library resources from TPS-Barat….

Today in History: Dartmouth College

Today in History: Dartmouth College

Today in History–December 13–the Library of Congress features Dartmouth College, which obtained a royal charter on this day in 1769. One of the oldest colleges in the United States, this New Hampshire institution began humbly but is now considered one of the country’s top universities. Learn more by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the links to find more Dartmouth…

Today in History: Ralph Bunche

Today in History: Ralph Bunche

Today in History–December 9–the Library of Congress features Nobel Peace Prize winner Ralph Bunche, who died on this date in 1971. This trailblazing U.S. diplomat took over as mediator of the Palestine mission in 1948 and successfully negotiated an end to the first Arab-Israeli War the following year. In addition to his work with the United Nations, Bunche served as…

Today in History: Louisiana

Today in History: Louisiana

Today in History–December 8–the Library of Congress features Louisiana, which ratified a new state constitution on this day in 1879, reorganizing the state judiciary and moving the state capital from New Orleans to Baton Rouge. Did you know that Louisianians revised and passed new constitutions ten times from 1812-1921. Find out more about the history and culture of the…