Today in History: D-Day

Beyond the Beach
Today in History–June 6–the Library of Congress features D-Day. On this day in 1944, American, British and Canadian forces landed on the beaches of Normandy, France in a coordinated effort to open the western front. Learn more about this tragic but ultimately successful strike by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access loads of primary sources related to D-Day & World War II.


Veterans Stories – D-Day

WWII Reunion: D-Day Stories video

WWII Reunion: Eyewitness to D-Day video

D-Day Journeys: Personal Geographies of D-Day Veterans story map

D-Day maps

D-Day’s Top Secret Map Library of Congress Blog June 3, 2019

Featured Image: D-Day The 6th of June

D-Day images

Allied Armies Land in France (New York Times front page)

D-Day historical newspaper coverage

D-Day books & other texts

D-Day: A Key to Victory webcast transcript

Eisenhower Decides on D-Day

Marshall and the D-Day Invasion

D-Day (U.S. Army)

Planning D-Day Library of Congress Information Bulletin April 2003 – Vol 62, No.4

Library blog posts

Real-Time Radio Broadcasts from D-Day, June 6, 1944 World War II Foundation

More World War II primary sources & teaching resources