World Spotlight: Greece

World Spotlight: Greece

Greece primary source set World Digital Library Greece maps Greece image set Videos and webcasts related to Greece Greek related American life histories Greece mentions in the Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection Veteran oral histories including service in Greece Greece sheet music Greek song recordings Historical newspaper coverage: Greece 1836-1922 Correspondence & reports related to Greece through 1899 Books related…

World Spotlight: France

World Spotlight: France

Creating French Culture: Treasures from the Bibliothèque nationale de France online exhibition France primary source set World Digital Library France maps France image set French image set Films related to France France mentions in the Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection French American life histories French/France song recordings France/French sheet music U.S. historical newspaper coverage: France U.S. historical newspapers published in French Correspondence & other texts related…

World Spotlight: Spain

World Spotlight: Spain

Spain country study Parallel Histories: Spain, the United States, and the American Frontier bilingual digital library site Spain primary source set World Digital Library Spain maps Spain image set Spanish image set Historical films Spain mentions in the Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection American life histories mentioning Spain Spanish American song recordings Spanish sheet music Spanish American newspaper front pages 1905-06 Historical…

Today in History: War of 1812

Today in History: War of 1812

Today in History–June 18–the Library of Congress features the War of 1812. On this date in 1812 President James Madison signed a declaration of war against Great Britain. Reasons for the war included frustration with Britain’s maritime practices and their support of Native American resistance to western expansion as well as a desire to conquer Canada. The war lingered on…

World Spotlight: India

World Spotlight: India

India country profile: . . . extensive urbanization and trade appear to have begun in the Indus River Valley around 3000 B.C. with the Harappan civilization. From this period until the termination of British colonial rule in 1947, numerous empires ruled various portions of South Asia, often assimilating a rich array of peoples and each adding…

Primary Source Spotlight: Patricia Smith

Primary Source Spotlight: Patricia Smith

Patricia Smith The Poet & the Poem audio podcast This is My Story: Getting to Know Patricia Smith From the Catbird Seat blog February 9, 2015 Patricia Smith’s “Words That Force Us to Look” From the Catbird Seat April 22, 2013 Patricia Smith Bookfest bio Patricia Smith: 2009 National Book Festival video Necessary Utterance: Poetry as Cultural Force…

World Spotlight: Wales

World Spotlight: Wales

The Story of the Nations: Wales 1902 More books, articles and other texts about Wales Charles D. Cleveland to Abraham Lincoln, Thursday, February 05, 1863 (Sends sermon from Wales) Wales image set Sheet music related to Wales U.S. veteran oral histories (service in Wales) Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection interviews mentioning Wales U.S. historical newspaper coverage of Wales through…

Primary Source Spotlight: A. Philip Randolph

Primary Source Spotlight: A. Philip Randolph

Leading the procession from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial More A. Philip Randolph images A. Philip Randolph historical newspaper coverage The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters A. Philip Randolph letter to NAACP Secretary Walter White March 18, 1941 The Negro in National Defense 1941 poster Why Should We March? 1941 flyer Executive Order 8802: Prohibition of…

Presidential Spotlight: Lyndon B. Johnson

Presidential Spotlight: Lyndon B. Johnson

Lyndon B. Johnson oath of office Nov. 22, 1963 image and audio file Lyndon B. Johnson inauguration primary source set Jan. 20, 1965 Vice President Johnson Was Assigned the Task of Unifying the U.S. Satellite Programs Jun. 24, 1961 from America’s Library Retreat from Armageddon? Khrushchev, Kennedy, Johnson and the Elusive Quest for Peace webcast Judgment Days: Lyndon Baines…

Primary Source Spotlight: Astronomy

Primary Source Spotlight: Astronomy

Finding Our Place in the Cosmos: From Galileo to Sagan and Beyond Library collection Understanding the Cosmos primary source iBook Astronomy maps Astronomy images Astronomy books and articles Historical newspaper coverage: astronomy Astronomy and other “Onomies” sheet music The old country fiddler on astronomy audio recording Astronomy webcasts Everyday Mysteries: Astronomy U.S. legislation related to astronomy Astronomy: Selected…

Primary Source Spotlight: Abolition

Primary Source Spotlight: Abolition

Abolition newspapers Anti-Slavery Bugle (weekly) New-Lisbon, Ohio 1845-1861 The Examiner (weekly) Louisville, Kentucky 1847-1849 Primary source collections Abolition primary source set History of American Abolitionism 1861 More abolition books & articles Songs Related to the Abolition of Slavery Library of Congress article Abolition sheet music Abolition images Abolition webcasts Abolition in D.C. primary source collections Album: Abolitionist Cartoons and Images John Brown primary source…

Today in History: Robert Penn Warren

Today in History: Robert Penn Warren

Today in History–September 15–the Library of Congress features writer Robert Penn Warren, who died on this date in 1989. A novelist and poet who won a Pulitzer Prize for his novel All the Kings Men and two Pulitzers for his poetry, Warren was also a teacher, critic. He also served as poetry consultant for the Library from 1944-45 and as…