Today in History: Spanish American War

Today in History: Spanish American War

Today in History–April 25–the Library of Congress features the Spanish American War, declared on this date in 1898. Learn more about this short, decisive war by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to learn even more from primary sources. The World of 1898: The Spanish American War Spanish American War primary source set, includes teacher…

Today in History: 1906 San Francisco Earthquake

Today in History: 1906 San Francisco Earthquake

Today in History–April 18–the Library of Congress features the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, which shook the city early on this morning more than a century ago. The 8.3 magnitude (Richter Scale) earthquake and a subsequent fire leveled a large portion of the city and killed thousands. Find out more by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the links below to…

Today in History: Fannie Farmer & Cooking

Today in History: Fannie Farmer & Cooking

Today in History–March 23–the Library of Congress features cookbook author Fannie Farmer, born on this day in 1857. In 1896 she published the Boston Cooking School Cookbook (known today as the Fannie Farmer Cookbook), which was the first to feature standardized measurements. Learn more about Farmer and American cooking by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access a cornucopia…

Today in History: William Jennings Bryan

Today in History: William Jennings Bryan

Today in History–March 19–the Library of Congress features William Jennings Bryan, born on this day in 1860. Famous for his oratorical skills, Bryan served two terms as a U.S. representative then ran for president three times. Although unsuccessful, he did serve as President Woodrow Wilson’s Secretary of State. Learn more by visiting the Today in History section, then clicking the links below…

Today in History: Andrew Carnegie

Today in History: Andrew Carnegie

Today in History–March 12–the Library of Congress features Andrew Carnegie, who offered the city of New York $5.2 million for the construction of sixty-five branch libraries on this day in 1901. After selling his steel company for hundreds of millions, Carnegie devoted the rest of his life to writing and philanthropic activities, including building thousands of public libraries across…

Today in History: U.S.S. Maine Sunk

Today in History: U.S.S. Maine Sunk

Today in History–February 15–the Library of Congress features the Spanish-American War, sparked on this date in 1898 when an explosion sank the battleship U.S.S. Maine in the Havana, Cuba harbor, killing 266 of the 354 crew members. Two months later, President William McKinley announced a state of war with Spain on April 25, 1898. Learn more by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to…

Today in History: Theodore Roosevelt

Today in History: Theodore Roosevelt

Today in History–February 3–the Library of Congress features Theodore Roosevelt, who penned a personal love missive about his future wife on this day in 1880. That first marriage was, unfortunately, cut short by his wife’s untimely death. But Roosevelt would marry again and had a long, prosperous life as a conservationist, progressive politician, and Nobel Peace Prize winner….

Today in History: Nellie Bly Circles the Globe

Today in History: Nellie Bly Circles the Globe

Today in History–January 25–the Library of Congress features Nellie Bly, who completed her circumnavigation of the globe on this day in 1890. This intrepid female reporter made the journey in just 72 days, using many different forms of transportation, including ship, train, jinricksha, sampan, horse, and burro. Learn more about this globetrotter and turn of the century transportation by visiting the Today in History section…

Today in History: The Galveston Storm

Today in History: The Galveston Storm

Today in History–September 8–the Library of Congress features the Galveston storm of 1900, which made landfall on this day and, according to the National Weather Service was the deadliest cyclone in U.S. history, responsible for the deaths of at least 8,000 people. Find out more by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access…

Today in History: Edison Gets Kinetographic Camera Patent

Today in History: Edison Gets Kinetographic Camera Patent

Today in History–August 31–the Library of Congress features the awarding of a federal patent for a kinetographic camera—the forerunner to the motion picture film projector—to Thomas A. Edison on this date in 1897. Find out more by reading the Today in History section and accessing the resources below. Edison’s kinetographic films and parlors Kinetograph historical newspaper coverage Inventing Entertainment: the Motion Pictures and Sound…

Today in History: Thomas A. Edison

Today in History: Thomas A. Edison

Today in History–August 12–the Library of Congress features scientist and inventor Thomas A. Edison, who is credited with completing the model of the first phonograph on this day in 1877.  Find out more about the “wizard of Menlo Park” by visiting the Today in History section, where you’ll also find links to other Library sound collections. Then click the links below…

Today in History: Architect Cyrus Eidlitz

Today in History: Architect Cyrus Eidlitz

Today in History–July 27–the Library of Congress features New York and architect Cyrus Eidlitz, born on this day in 1853. Eidlitz was the architect of the Times building, for which Times Square was named. Find out more by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the links below to access more primary source treasures about New York architects and architecture. Architect Cyrus…