Address of John Brown to the Virginia Court

Analyzing Primary Sources: Close Reading Markup Strategies

The plan today had been to post a CCSS-aligned primary source activity focused on close reading of images and texts but input from a great group of teachers at a professional development session necessitated a blog detour. So, instead, we’ll share a close reading markup strategy remix and resource list. Keep in mind that close…

Bugaboo Schottisch

Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Music

Music can trigger powerful emotions and brain research has shown the strong link between emotion and memory. Songs and sheet music, also referred to as musical scores, are great primary sources to use with students to enable them tap into the feelings and emotions surrounding historical events and figures. Analyzing recorded songs and sheet music, which often…

Printed Ephemera

Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Texts

The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) strike a balance between the reading of literature and informational texts and promote the use of a wide range of text types: “Through reading a diverse array of classic and contemporary literature as well as challenging informational texts in a range of subjects, students are expected to build knowledge, gain…