Scenes from events and battles leading up to and during the American Revolution

Primary Source Spotlight: American Revolution

Primary sources U.S. History Primary Source Timeline: American Revolution American Revolution primary source set The American Revolution and Its Era: Maps and Charts collection Mapping the American Revolution and Its Era Battle maps and charts of the American Revolution (1881) Printed Ephemera 1763-1783 Revolutionary war texts 1763-1783 American Revolution images 1764-1784 Revolutionary war era images & broadsides to 1799…

Primary Source Spotlight: Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Primary Source Spotlight: Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Ruth Bader Ginsburg portrait More Ruth Bader Ginsburg images Ruth Bader Ginsburg Notes for oral arguments in Duren v. Missouri November 1, 1978 Hearings Before the Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate One Hundred Third Congress First Session on the Nomination of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, to Be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of…

Primary Source Spotlight: Jeannette Rankin

Primary Source Spotlight: Jeannette Rankin

Jeanette Rankin was the first woman elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1916. Learn more about this remarkable citizen by clicking the links below. Primary sources Jeanette Rankin image set “‘Wonder-Woman’ is Miss Jeannette Rankin; Will be First of Sex to Sit in Congress” Evening Public Ledger (Philadelphia, PA), November 11, 1916 “I can’t vote…

Tuskegee airmen at Ramitelli, Italy

Primary Source Spotlight: Tuskegee Airmen

Online exhibition items Tuskegee Airmen Breaking Flight Barriers Tuskegee Airmen with Lena Horne The 332nd Fighter Group Tuskegee Airmen image set Tuskegee Airmen in Art Exhibit The Detroit Tribune. (Detroit, Mich.), 01 Sept. 1945 Tuskegee pilots historical newspaper coverage 332nd Fighter Group historical newspaper coverage 332nd Fighter Group veteran oral history collections Patriotism, Courage, Discipline, Skill &…

Forfeited guns

Primary Source Spotlight: Second Amendment & Gun Control

Bill of Rights Political cartoons Solution to Nothing Herb Block March 2, 1954 Sportsmen! Kids! Maniacs! Herb Block November 27, 1963 (source record) You Don’t Even Need to Limit Yourself to a Few People Herb Block December 29, 1964 (source record) Don’t Point That Thing at Me! Herb Block March 10, 1965 (source record) It’s like the gun lobby guys…

Primary Source Spotlight: Gordon Parks

Primary Source Spotlight: Gordon Parks

Gordon Parks was born on Nov. 30, 1912 and died on March 7, 2006. A highly influential photographer, he contributed to the Farm Security Administration, Life Magazine, and Vogue, and also wrote books and poetry, composed music, and directed movies. Gordon Parks photographs History & Heritage, Joy & Humanity select photographs by Gordon Parks Trumpet…

Showing them up

Primary Source Spotlight: Enemy Aliens & Internment During the World Wars

World War I Historical newspaper coverage Enemy alien historical newspaper coverage 1917-19 German internment historical newspaper coverage 1917-19 Political cartoons Stripped! N.Y. Evening World c1917 Showing them up – see the Herald’s enemy alien list I April 12, 1917 The Limit New York Herald March 3, 1918 The Breath of the Hun New York Herald March 28, 1918 Images Internment camp, Fort…

Dorothea Lynde Dix

Primary Source Spotlight: Dorothea Dix

Dorothea L. Dix (1802-1887) was an actively engaged citizen who tirelessly advocated for help for the less fortunate, particularly the mentally ill. Use the resources below to learn more. Dorothea Lynde Dix portrait Dorothea Lynde Dix to Abraham Lincoln, Monday, June 17, 1861 (transcription) To the Legislature of Massachusetts [protesting against the confinement of insane…

Along a beautiful path in springtime at Virginia's Mount Vernon

Primary Source Spotlight: Spring

Children of Spring 1888 verses and color illustrations Spring 1892 book of poetry Springtime and Other Verses 1910 The Springtime of Love and Other Poems 1914 Spring: historical newspaper articles & advertisements Spring oral history audio recordings Spring song recordings Springtime song recordings Spring sheet music Springtime sheet music Spring image set Springtime image set Celebrating…

Primary Source Spotlight: Jewish Passover

Primary Source Spotlight: Jewish Passover

The Jewish passover of 1858 Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, 1858 April 10 American Colony (Jerusalem) Passover photos early 20th century More Passover photos Jewish Passover historical newspaper coverage Siddur: Jewish holy day prayer book Hagadat Pesaḥ ha-ḥadashah = The new Passover Haggadah 2006 book Hagadat Moriyah The Moriah Haggadah English translation and explanation of images Haggadah shel Pesah (Passover Haggadah) curator note…