Learning from the Source: Primary Source Perspectives of the Civil War

Learning from the Source: Primary Source Perspectives of the Civil War

Overview Primary sources can  help students grasp the reality and impact of historical events. This project connects students to people, events and daily life during the Civil War by having them report on selected topics using primary sources to research and illustrate their learning. To complete this project, students will . . . familiarize themselves with…

Today in History: The Rough Riders

Today in History: The Rough Riders

Today in History–July 1–the Library of Congress features the rough riders. On this day in 1898 these voluntary cavalrymen, led by Theodore Roosevelt, helped to secure a U.S. victory in the Battle of Santiago, the decisive battle of the short-lived Spanish-American War. The rough riders stormed Kettle Hill, then joined in the capture of the San Juan Hill complex in…

Today in History: Battle of Cold Harbor

Today in History: Battle of Cold Harbor

Today in History–June 3–the Library of Congress features the second Battle of Cold Harbor, begun on this day in 1864. The bloody battle ensued when Union General Ulysses S. Grant encountered Confederate troops in Virginia as he made his way to Richmond. Approximately 7,000 Union troops perished and Confederate forces suffered around 1,500 casualties in the nine-day fight….

Today in History: Siege of Fort Meigs

Today in History: Siege of Fort Meigs

Today in History–May 9–the Library of Congress features the siege of Fort Meigs by Shawnee military leader Tecumseh and British general Henry A. Proctor on this day in 1813.  But the invaders were unsuccessful as General William Henry Harrison held onto the fort that he had ordered built on the Maumee River above Toledo, Ohio. Learn more by visiting the Today in History section, then click…

Primary Source Learning: Great Depression & World War II Primary Source Set

Primary Source Learning: Great Depression & World War II Primary Source Set

Have students use the primary sources in this set to tell a story about the period 1929-1945. At the depths of the great depression, which followed the stock market crash in October 1929, over one-quarter of the American workforce was out of work. But President Franklin D. Roosevelt instituted a variety of “New Deal” programs and told…

Today in History: Grant’s Army Attacks Confederate Lines at Petersburg

Today in History: Grant’s Army Attacks Confederate Lines at Petersburg

Today in History–April 2–the Library of Congress features the attack of Confederate lines at Petersburg, Virginia on this day in 1865. Led by U.S. General Ulysses S. Grant, the battle lasted less than a day and helped hasten the capture of Richmond about a month later. Learn more by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access…

Today in History: United Service Organization

Today in History: United Service Organization

Today in History–February 4–the Library of Congress features the United Service Organization, more commonly known as the USO, incorporated on this date in 1941. The USO was organized by six social service organizations to to provide recreational opportunities and resources for members of the U.S. armed forces on leave. Soon after, the USO created Camp Shows Inc., to bring…

Today in History: Battle of New Orleans

Today in History: Battle of New Orleans

Today in History–January 8–the Library of Congress features the Battle of New Orleans. On this day in 1815 a small, rag-tag U.S. force claimed victory against 8,000 British troops. Although the battle had little significance—it occurred after the War of 1812 had ended—it made Major General Andrew Jackson a national hero. Find out more by visiting the Today in History section,…

Today in History: Battle of Chattanooga

Today in History: Battle of Chattanooga

Today in History–November 23–the Library of Congress features the Battle of Chattanooga, which commenced on this day in 1863. During this three-day Civil War battle, Union forces drove Confederate troops into Georgia, setting the stage for Union General William T. Sherman’s triumphant march to the sea a year later. Learn more by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to…

Primary Source Learning: Civil War & Reconstruction Primary Source Set

Primary Source Learning: Civil War & Reconstruction Primary Source Set

Have students use the primary sources in this set to tell a story about a timeframe from the period 1861-1877 when the United States was wracked by civil war, fighting to preserve the Union and end slavery. This costly war (recent research puts the death toll at 750,000) raged for four years but putting the…

Learning from the Source: The Star Spangled Banner K-2

Learning from the Source: The Star Spangled Banner K-2

Overview The flag is one of the United States’ most important symbols and the central character of the country’s national anthem. This project introduces students to the key historical events that led to the creation of this patriotic song, helping them to learn the lyrics to The Star Spangled Banner and expand their overall understanding of U.S. history…