Collections Spotlight: Landscape Photographs

Collections Spotlight: Landscape Photographs

The Picture This blog from the Library of Congress shines a spotlight on landscape photographs. Micah Messenheimer, Curator of Photography, and a photographer himself, writes: When many people think of landscape photographs they think of wide-open spaces, empty of people. Yet, landscape photographs, by their nature, tell stories deeply tied to human interactions with the…

Primary Source Spotlight: Carrie Chapman Catt

Primary Source Spotlight: Carrie Chapman Catt

Carrie Chapman Catt Papers Woman’s Suffrage by Constitutional Amendment compiled by Carrie Chapman Catt Carrie Chapman Catt mentions in the Leslie Woman Suffrage Commission report Carrie Chapman Catt’s Winning Plan National American Woman Suffrage Association. Headquarters News Letter, vol. 2, no. 8, August 15, 1916 More printed ephemera related to Carrie Chapman Catt Carrie Chapman Catt:…

Primary Source Spotlight: Fannie Lou Hamer

Primary Source Spotlight: Fannie Lou Hamer

Fannie Lou Hamer, Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party delegate, at the Democratic National Convention, Atlantic City, New Jersey August 1964 | curator’s note Jury Frees Five Law Officers in Miss. Beating The Detroit Tribune. (Detroit, Mich.), 21 Dec. 1963 Civil Rights oral histories mentioning Fannie Lou Hamer Euvester Simpson Charles McLaurin Maria Varela Jennifer Lawson Peggy Jean…

Primary Source Spotlight: U.S. Presidential Inaugurations

Primary Source Spotlight: U.S. Presidential Inaugurations

“I Do Solemnly Swear…” U.S. Presidential Inaugurations primary source sets “I Do Solemnly Swear…” Inaugural Materials from the Collections of the Library of Congress online exhibition Inaugurations: Stepping into History presentation An Orderly Transition The Inaugural Address Looking Back and Looking Ahead Select historical newspaper articles The Inaugural–The Past Reign, the Coming Reign The Herald…

World Spotlight: Afghanistan

World Spotlight: Afghanistan

Afghanistan primary source set World Digital Library The Great Game and Afghanistan story map Voices from Afghanistan online exhibition highlighting citizen letters Afghanistan maps Afghanistan image set Films & webcasts related to Afghanistan Books & articles about Afghanistan Dance styles Pashtu Afghanistan Alan Lomax Collection Veteran oral histories Current Conflicts: Afghanistan and Iraq Persian Gulf and…

Today in History: March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

Today in History: March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

Today in History–August 28–the Library of Congress features the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, held on this day in 1963. Around a quarter million people participated in this non-violent demonstration for civil rights seeking, among other things, equal access to public accommodations, decent housing, adequate and integrated education, the right to vote, and…

World Spotlight: Lebanon

Lebanon country study Lebanon country profile BBC Lebanon timeline BBC Places in the News: Lebanon May 2007 June 2006 February 2005 Lebanon primary source set World Digital Library Lebanon maps Lebanon image set Books & articles about Lebanon Films & webcasts related to Lebanon U.S. veteran oral histories (service in Lebanon) Oral histories mentioning Lebanon from the Foreign Affairs Oral…

Finding Resources: Library of Congress Flickr Commons

Finding Resources: Library of Congress Flickr Commons

The Library of Congress collaborated with Flickr in 2007 to launch the Commons with the mission of providing another outlet for copyright free images from its collections and the goal of enjoining the Flickr community to contribute information about the sources: “Please help make the photographs you enjoy more discoverable by adding tags and leaving…