Today in History: Suez Canal

Today in History: Suez Canal

Today in History–November 17–the Library of Congress features the Suez Canal, opened on this day in 1869. The waterway connects the Mediterranean Sea with the Indian Ocean. The longest canal in the world without locks, this heavily-traveled channel stretches 101 miles across Egypt’s Isthmus of Suez. Find out more by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links…

Today in History: Veterans Day

Today in History: Veterans Day

Today in History–November 11–the Library of Congress features Veterans Day, first celebrated as Armistice Day on this date in 1919. Designated by President Woodrow Wilson on the date the Allied powers signed a ceasefire agreement with Germany, Armistice Day was designated Veterans Day in 1954 to honor veterans of all U.S. wars. Learn more by visiting the Today in History section…

World Spotlight: Finland

World Spotlight: Finland

Finland country study Finland country profile BBC Finland timeline BBC Finland primary source set from the World Digital Library Finland maps Finland image set The Finns in America Article: Finnish American Song Finnish song recordings Finland sheet music Conversation: [Finnish composer] Olli Kotekangas & Norman Scribner streaming webcast U.S. veteran oral histories (service in Finland) Foreign…

Primary Source Spotlight: Astronomy

Primary Source Spotlight: Astronomy

Finding Our Place in the Cosmos: From Galileo to Sagan and Beyond Library collection Understanding the Cosmos primary source iBook Astronomy maps Astronomy images Astronomy books and articles Historical newspaper coverage: astronomy Astronomy and other “Onomies” sheet music The old country fiddler on astronomy audio recording Astronomy webcasts Everyday Mysteries: Astronomy U.S. legislation related to astronomy Astronomy: Selected…

Primary Source Spotlight: Abolition

Primary Source Spotlight: Abolition

Abolition newspapers Anti-Slavery Bugle (weekly) New-Lisbon, Ohio 1845-1861 The Examiner (weekly) Louisville, Kentucky 1847-1849 Primary source collections Abolition primary source set History of American Abolitionism 1861 More abolition books & articles Songs Related to the Abolition of Slavery Library of Congress article Abolition sheet music Abolition images Abolition webcasts Abolition in D.C. primary source collections Album: Abolitionist Cartoons and Images John Brown primary source…

Primary Source Spotlight: Slavery (U.S.)

Primary Source Spotlight: Slavery (U.S.)

Library slavery collections Slave narratives Frederick Douglass primary source set Frances Ann Kemble primary source set Books Correspondence & early texts Other texts Legislation Slavery newspapers Slavery maps Slave song recordings Slavery sheet music Slavery image set Slavery political cartoons PSN curated primary source collections related to slavery Library blog posts related to slavery Primary Source…

Presidential Spotlight: Dwight D. Eisenhower

Presidential Spotlight: Dwight D. Eisenhower

From America’s Library: Dwight D. Eisenhower Born: October 14, 1890 Died: March 28, 1969 Dwight David Eisenhower was an inspiring military leader, best-selling author, head of Columbia University, and president of the United States. As the top American general and later Allied Supreme Commander in the European theater, he directed Allied forces in World War…

Primary Source Spotlight: Japanese-American Internment

Primary Source Spotlight: Japanese-American Internment

Primary sources Ansel Adams’s Photographs of Japanese-American Internment at Manzanar Japanese-American Internment Camp Newspapers, 1942 to 1946 Dorothea Lange Japanese American photos Veteran’s oral histories mentioning Japanese-American internment Congressional documents related to Japanese-American internment Behind Barbed Wire story map iBook: History of Portland’s Japantown Teaching resources “Suffering Under a Great Injustice”: Ansel Adams’s Photographs of…

Today in History: San Diego, California

Today in History: San Diego, California

Today in History–September 28–the Library of Congress features San Diego, California. On this date in 1542 Portuguese explorer Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo sailed into San Diego Bay under the Spanish flag. Learn about the evolution of this southern California city by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the links below to access more primary source treasures. Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo sailed into San Diego Bay…

Today in History: Nathan Hale

Today in History: Nathan Hale

Today in History–September 22–the Library of Congress features Revolutionary War hero Nathan Hale, who was hanged for spying on British troops on this date in 1776. This teacher turned soldier is famous for the words he allegedly spoke before his execution, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” Find out more about patriot Nathan…

Primary Source Spotlight: American Eagle

Primary Source Spotlight: American Eagle

Our National Bird In Custodia Legis blog November 27, 2015 American eagle image set Bald eagle image set American eagle sheet music American eagle march streaming song recording The American eagle against the British lion! 1844 broadside Historical American newspaper mentions: American eagle Contemporary U.S. legislation related to the American eagle The Bald Eagle, Creature of Nature…