Poster: Uncle Sam says - garden to cut food costs

Primary Source Spotlight: Victory Gardens

Victory garden posters FSA/OWI Collection photos: Victory gardens and Victory gardeners More Victory garden images Chicago Victory Gardens: Yesterday and Tomorrow video Pamphlets Victory Gardens historical newspaper coverage 1918-1919 Victory Gardens historical newspaper coverage 1940-1945 116 HRES 937 IH: Recognizing the important role Victory Gardens played in America’s World War efforts Online exhibitions Articles &…

Story Maps

Finding Resources: Story Maps

Story Maps are immersive web applications that tell the incredible stories of the Library’s collections through narrative, multimedia, and interactive maps. The story maps are created within a Geographic Information Systems (GIS)-based software platform created by Esri. Story Maps are chock full of primary sources, including photographs, illustrations, texts, newspaper articles, and even maps. “I find story…


Collections Spotlight: All American News

Spanning from 1942-45, All-American news were the first newsreels produced for a black audience and were originally intended to encourage black Americans to participate in, and support the war effort, as well as to reflect an African-American perspective on world and national events. 1942 All-American news [1942-08]: includes segments about a Baltimore merchant marine who…

Primary Source Spotlight: Gwendolyn Brooks

Primary Source Spotlight: Gwendolyn Brooks

Pulitzer Prize winner Gwendolyn Brooks (1917-2000) wrote more than 20 books of poetry and served as the Illinois Poet Laureate from 1968-2000 and Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress from 1985-1986. Learn more about this amazing artist by investigating the resources below. Audio recordings Readings in Afro-American poetry: Gwendolyn Brooks, Michael S. Harper,…

Primary Source Spotlight: Race Riots/Protests

Primary Source Spotlight: Race Riots/Protests

Wilmington, North Carolina 1898 New York City 1900 Atlanta, Georgia 1906 Springfield, Illinois 1908 East St. Louis, Illinois 1917 Chicago 1919 U.S. 1919 Ocoee, Florida 1920 Tulsa, Oklahoma 1921 Rosewood, Florida 1923 Harlem, New York 1935 & 1943 & 1964 Mississippi 1962 Watts, Los Angeles 1965 Detroit, Michigan 1967 Washington D.C. 1968 Los Angeles -Rodney…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: The Woman Whom Justice Brewer Would Make Mayor

Guided Primary Source Analysis: The Woman Whom Justice Brewer Would Make Mayor

Zoom into a more detailed image of this newspaper page but before reading the article, what do you learn about the featured woman and Justice Brewer just from reading the headline and the photo captions? Make a list of as many facts as you can. Then provide an educated guess as to why this was a news…

Primary Source Spotlight: Black Women’s Clubs

Primary Source Spotlight: Black Women’s Clubs

In the late nineteenth century black women organized to bolster their communities by undertaking educational, philanthropic and welfare activities.¹ National Association of Colored Women reports, articles & other texts National Association of Colored Women’s Clubs historical newspaper coverage National Association of Colored Women’s Clubs website Negro Women’s Clubs historical newspaper coverage African-American women’s clubs in…

Van Allen office building, designed by celebrated Chicago School architect Louis H. Sullivan, Chicago, Illinois

Today in History: Louis H. Sullivan

Today in History–September 3–the Library of Congress features architect Louis H. Sullivan, born on this day in 1856 in Boston, Massachusetts. Sullivan moved to Chicago early in his career in 1873. After the great Chicago fire of 1871 there was much work to do and Sullivan became a pioneer in the design of skyscrapers known for his core philosophy that…