Today in History: Battle of Antietam

Today in History: Battle of Antietam

Today in History–September 17–the Library of Congress features Battle of Antietam, fought on this day in 1862. The bloodiest battle in the Civil War—more than 23,000 killed, wounded or missing in action–was fought in the hills of Sharpsburg, Maryland. Although the Confederates occupied the town of Sharpsburg at nightfall,  the battle was a Union victory. Find out more about Union…

Today in History: Rock of Chickamauga

Today in History: Rock of Chickamauga

Today in History–July 31–the Library of Congress features Civil War General George H. Thomas, born on this date in 1816. Although he was born in Virginia, Thomas allied with the Union in the Civil War. Thomas’ 1863 defense of Chickamauga Creek in northwestern Georgia led to the moniker the “Rock of Chickamauga”. The following year he played a key role in the…

Today in History: Battle of Cold Harbor

Today in History: Battle of Cold Harbor

Today in History–June 3–the Library of Congress features the second Battle of Cold Harbor, begun on this day in 1864. The bloody battle ensued when Union General Ulysses S. Grant encountered Confederate troops in Virginia as he made his way to Richmond. Approximately 7,000 Union troops perished and Confederate forces suffered around 1,500 casualties in the nine-day fight….

Today in History: Grant’s Army Attacks Confederate Lines at Petersburg

Today in History: Grant’s Army Attacks Confederate Lines at Petersburg

Today in History–April 2–the Library of Congress features the attack of Confederate lines at Petersburg, Virginia on this day in 1865. Led by U.S. General Ulysses S. Grant, the battle lasted less than a day and helped hasten the capture of Richmond about a month later. Learn more by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Admiral Farragut Enters Mobile Bay

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Admiral Farragut Enters Mobile Bay

Zoom into this map (online | .pdf) and use the primary source analysis tool (digital | paper) to analyze this source. Read “Damn the Torpedoes!” from the New York Times Disunion series, then take another look at this map. Explain new insights into this map that you gained. Analyze another primary source related to the 1864 Battle of…

Today in History: Union Captures Fort Morgan

Today in History: Union Captures Fort Morgan

Today in History–August 23–the Library of Congress features the capture of Fort Morgan, Alabama by the Union navy on this day in 1864. Earlier in the month (August 5), when Admiral David Farragut was warned of mines (referred to as torpedoes) in Mobile Bay, he reportedly replied, “Damn the torpedoes!” and ordered the ship to continue its course. Although the…

Today in History: John Parker & the Minutemen

Today in History: John Parker & the Minutemen

Today in History–July 13–the Library of Congress features minuteman John Parker, born in Lexington, Massachusetts on this day in 1729. Find out more about the first shots in the U.S. war for independence and those who fought by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access more primary sources and learning resources. Statue of Captain Parker, on the green at Lexington, Mass….

Today in History: Custer’s Last Stand

Today in History: Custer’s Last Stand

Today in History–June 25–the Library of Congress features Custer’s Last Stand, which occurred on this date in 1876. General George Armstrong Custer and 265 men under his command lost their lives in the Battle of Little Bighorn. Find out more about this battle in the Today in History section and access resources related to Little Bighorn and those who fought there through…

Today in History: Defeat on Okinawa

Today in History: Defeat on Okinawa

Today in History–June 21–the Library of Congress features the U.S. defeat of Japanese troops on Okinawa Island on this day in 1945. One of the longest and bloodiest battles of World War II, the battle for Okinawa claimed somewhere around 12,000 American and 110,000 Japanese lives. Find out more by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below…