World Spotlight: Peru

World Spotlight: Peru

Peru: Places in the News Peru country study Country profile: Peru BBC Peru timeline BBC Peru primary source set from the World Digital Library Peru images Peru maps Pizarro in Peru sheet music Peruvian song recordings Peruvian literary recordings Manuscripts, Performance style, Choreometrics, sources, Correspondence and notes by culture, Peru Alan Lomax Collection Service in Peru: U.S. veteran…

Learning from the Source: Pairing Pictures & Poems to Tell Stories

Learning from the Source: Pairing Pictures & Poems to Tell Stories

Students learn the power of pairing pictures with poems to tell stories about historical and contemporary issues. Display the paired primary sources (Image 1 | Image 2), showing only the images (i.e., cover up the text) and inform students that the poem accompanying these illustrations has been removed. Ask them to predict what the poem…

Timely Connections: Fresh Perspectives from Female Poets

Timely Connections: Fresh Perspectives from Female Poets

In an article for Edutopia, middle school educator Kasey Short provides suggestions and tips for “Studying Female Poets to Understand History“. After reading this thoughtful article, help your students get some fresh female perspectives of both history and contemporary life with these poetry-related resources. Curator’s Picks: American Women Poets Library of Congress Blog March 26,…

Learning from the Source: The Declaration, Her Declaration, Your Declaration

Learning from the Source: The Declaration, Her Declaration, Your Declaration

Discuss the Declaration of Independence. Why was it written? What meaning did it have in 1776? What meaning does it have today? Read the Declaration of Independence and highlight words and phrases that stand out to you. Read over the words and phrases you highlighted. In what ways does the language you selected help to…

TPS Spotlight: Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Program

TPS Spotlight: Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Program

Since 2006, the Library has awarded Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) grants to build a nationwide network of organizations that deliver educational programming, and create teaching materials and tools based on the Library’s digitized primary sources and other online resources. Each year members of this network, called the TPS Consortium, support tens of thousands of…

Collections Spotlight: Archive of Recorded Poetry and Literature

Collections Spotlight: Archive of Recorded Poetry and Literature

The Archive of Recorded Poetry and Literature at the Library of Congress contains recordings of poets and prose writers participating in literary events at the Library’s Capitol Hill campus as well as sessions at the Library’s Recording Laboratory. As of April, 2019, there are nearly 300 artists represented the digital collection. There is a biography…

Primary Source Spotlight: Spring

Primary Source Spotlight: Spring

Children of Spring 1888 verses and color illustrations Spring 1892 book of poetry Springtime and Other Verses 1910 The Springtime of Love and Other Poems 1914 Spring: historical newspaper articles & advertisements Spring oral history audio recordings Spring song recordings Springtime song recordings Spring sheet music Springtime sheet music Spring image set Springtime image set Celebrating…

Primary Source Spotlight: Jewish Passover

Primary Source Spotlight: Jewish Passover

The Jewish passover of 1858 Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, 1858 April 10 American Colony (Jerusalem) Passover photos early 20th century More Passover photos Jewish Passover historical newspaper coverage Siddur: Jewish holy day prayer book Hagadat Pesaḥ ha-ḥadashah = The new Passover Haggadah 2006 book Hagadat Moriyah The Moriah Haggadah English translation and explanation of images Haggadah shel Pesah (Passover Haggadah) curator note…

Primary Source Spotlight: Stanley Kunitz

Primary Source Spotlight: Stanley Kunitz

Award-winning poet Stanley Kunitz was born in 1905 in Worcester, Massachusetts and died in 2006. Kunitz authored 12 poetry collections, one of which won a Pulitzer Prize in 1959 and another, which won the National Book Award in 1995; other honors include a National Medal of Arts, the Bollingen Prize, and the Robert Frost Medal. Kunitz also twice served…