Take me out to the ball game

Primary Source Learning: Baseball

Baseball: Across a Divided Society (primary source set) Baseball, Race and Ethnicity: Rounding the Bases Baseball, Race Relations and Jackie Robinson Black Diamond! Satchel Page and the Negro Baseball Leagues Past and Present: Using Baseball Statistics to Teach Math (student worksheet) Tinkers to Evers to Chance Collection Connections: Baseball Cards Collection Connections: Jackie Robinson Recreation Yesterday and…

Twelve Years a Slave

Primary Source Learning: Oral Histories & Personal Narratives

LOC.gov contains numerous oral history and personal narrative resources. Check out the lists below! Teaching resources Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Oral Histories Learning from the Source: Chicago Meatpackers & the Unions Learning from the Source: Digital Stories of Our Heroes Learning from the Source: Media & Migrant Laborer Perspectives Primary Source Learning: September 11,…

But how to let go -- gracefully

Learning from the Source: Cartoonist Commentary-Vietnam War

U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War lasted more than a decade. Have students analyze political cartoons from the primary source sets below to consider different issues related to this war and how cartoonists’ perspectives of U.S. involvement evolved over time. If students are not practiced at analyzing political cartoons, use the accompanying resources to help…

By th' way, what's that big word?

Analyzing Primary Sources: Reading Cartoons

We often think of cartoons as funny but, in addition to entertaining and amusing us, they can also enlighten, provoke or persuade us. Political or editorial cartoons, in particular, provide subjective viewpoints about current issues and events and the people involved in them. Cartoonists use a variety of techniques—symbolism, exaggeration, irony, analogy and labeling to…

Poetry Left At Memorial

Primary Source Learning: Poets & Poetry

Found Poetry activities Guided primary source analysis activities Learning from the Source lessons Teach This Poem lessons More learning activities & resources From the Catbird Seat Teacher’s Corner blog posts Teaching with the Library blog posts Teach Social & Emotional Skills through Poetry MiddleWeb April 16, 2023 Primary Source Spotlight: Poetry

Ukraine administrative divisions 1993

Learning from the Source: Crimea, Ukraine, Russia

Overview Students will collaborate to analyze, compare, and contrast newspaper coverage of events in Crimea and Ukraine in the mid-19th century and early 20th century with 2014 media coverage of events involving Crimea, Ukraine and Russia to illuminate the geopolitical history of the region and consider how examining the past shapes perspectives and understanding of…

Students at Irving School in Berwyn, IL analyzing a primary source

Analyzing Primary Sources in the New SATs

The Common Core State Standards emphasize primary source analysis (specifically, RH.9-10/11-12.1, RH.9-10/11-12.2, RH.9-10/11-12.9, RI.9-10/11-12.9). Now the retooled SAT will too according to Todd Balf’s article, “The Story Behind the SAT Overhaul“, published March 6, 2014 in the New York Times Magazine. Below is an excerpt. Click the previous link to read the full article. Starting in spring 2016, students will take…

In the days of "Old Dobbin" and Derby hats Mrs. Harriot Stanton Blatch exhorted the Wall Street crowds

Primary Source Learning: Women’s Road to the Vote

Don’t miss these great woman suffrage teaching resources using Library of Congress primary sources! Woman suffrage source set & teaching guide Lesson plans Around America to Win the Vote The Fight for Women’s Rights Going Gaga Over Suffrage The Importance of Voting Learning from the Source: Tactics in the March to Suffrage Literature Links: Predicting…

Page from Abraham Lincoln's sum book

Primary Source Learning About Lincoln

We all can learn a lot from Abraham Lincoln. Below you will find links to primary source activities, lessons, and projects from the Library of Congress and TPS Consortium members. Abraham Lincoln: Rise to National Prominence primary source set and teacher’s guide Lincoln’s Life Lincoln’s Death Collection Connections Letters to Lincoln Transcription Project Teaching with…

American Federation of Hosiery Workers protest against the boycott of Japanese silk

Primary Source Learning: Protest & Reform Primary Source Set

Have students use the primary sources in this set to tell a story about protest and reform in the United States. (For background information, check the bibliographic records for dates then review the relevant sections of the American Memory timeline.) Related primary source collections highlighted on the Primary Source Nexus are linked to below. The…

The Anarchist Riot in Chicago - A Dynamite Bomb exploding among the police

Primary Source Learning: Chicago Anarchists & the Haymarket Affair

Overview Haymarket Affair Digital Collection—presents original manuscripts, broadsides, photographs, prints and artifacts regarding the Haymarket Affair, an 1886 conflict between labor protestors and members of the Chicago police force. Materials document the events leading up to the May 1886 riot, the arrest and trial of those accused of throwing a bomb that killed several police…