Guided Primary Source Analysis: For United America, YWCA

Guided Primary Source Analysis: For United America, YWCA

The shields displayed on this poster represent the flags of various countries. Do some research to see how many countries you can identify and make a list. Look closely at the details that you see in this poster. For what purpose do you think this poster was created? What details from the print and your own background knowledge helped…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Great Presidential Puzzle

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Great Presidential Puzzle

Look carefully at this political cartoon. What can you determine just from the information above? Now review the cartoon’s bibliographic record and find out about the Stalwarts and the Half-Breeds by investigating the links below. After, describe new insights you now have about this political cartoon. The 1880 Presidential Election HarpWeek The Half-Breeds versus the Stalwarts from Chronology of the…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Round the World with Nellie Bly

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Round the World with Nellie Bly

Zoom into a more detailed image of this source. Explain what you can determine about Nellie Bly just by looking at this source (be sure to point out the details that support your findings). Read the following articles to learn more about Nellie Bly, Jules Verne and Elizabeth Bisland. Describe what you learned. Nellie Bly from America’s Library “Bly…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Has the war ruined the country?

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Has the war ruined the country?

Read the headline and the four lines of text just under the headline. Then look at the footer text at the bottom of this page. Who do you think was the audience for this broadside? Explain the reasoning behind your conclusion. (Hint: If you need help answering this, there is one particular word that you should…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Office Boy Board Game

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Office Boy Board Game

The curator notes for this source read: Parker Brothers produced the 1889 board game Office Boy during the heyday of Horatio Alger’s popular stories of plucky lads reaching success through hard work and determination. The player can advance from stock boy to sweeping out and on to head of sales, trying to avoid carelessness, which will send…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Why I Believe in Santa

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Why I Believe in Santa

Click the newspaper above to zoom in to the page. First read the center article, “Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus.” What was the editor’s claim and what arguments did he make to support that claim? Now read what the citizens of Rock Island had to say about Santa Claus and the Christmas spirit….

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Hello, Earth! Hello!

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Hello, Earth! Hello!

Click the newspaper above to zoom in and read the article. Make a chart that lists the name of each scientist or inventor mentioned in the article, whether the expert was quoted directly or indirectly, and the expert’s view of the possibility of communication with other planets. Find out more information about the publisher of this newspaper, then…