Today in History: Daniel Chester French

Today in History: Daniel Chester French

Today in History–April 20–the Library of Congress features sculptor Daniel Chester French, born on this day in 1850. Encouraged to pursue a career as an artist by Louisa May Alcott, French completed his first big commission for the statue The Minute Man, when he was just 25.  Find out more about this preeminent monumental sculptor who also created the Lincoln Memorial sculpture…

Today in History: Yankee Doodle

Today in History: Yankee Doodle

Today in History–April 19–the Library of Congress features the song Yankee Doodle, which the colonials are said to have sung as they forced the British back to Boston on this day in 1775. Learn more about this song and the Lexington & Concord skirmishes by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the links below to access related primary sources. The…

Today in History: 1906 San Francisco Earthquake

Today in History: 1906 San Francisco Earthquake

Today in History–April 18–the Library of Congress features the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, which shook the city early on this morning more than a century ago. The 8.3 magnitude (Richter Scale) earthquake and a subsequent fire leveled a large portion of the city and killed thousands. Find out more by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the links below to…

Today in History: Thornton Wilder

Today in History: Thornton Wilder

Today in History–April 17–the Library of Congress features writer Thornton Wilder, born on this day in 1897. This lauded American writer produced award-winning (3 Pulitzer Prizes and 1 National Book Award) plays, novels, essays, and more. Find out more about this literary master by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the links below to access primary sources about Wilder…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Abolition Frowned Down

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Abolition Frowned Down

Access a larger image of this political cartoon. Do you think this cartoon supports or opposes abolition? Explain your reasoning, pointing to specific details in the source that support your view. Now review the bibliographic record and closely read the summary. Do you think this cartoon supports or opposes abolition? Explain your reasoning, pointing to specific details in…

Learning from the Source: The Art of Tribute

Learning from the Source: The Art of Tribute

From the Library of Congress bicentennial exhibition—With Malice Toward None—we learn a bit about the profound effect Abraham Lincoln’s death had on people all over the world. The assassination of President Abraham Lincoln on Good Friday, April 14, 1865, had a tremendous impact both in the United States and abroad. People in Great Britain, which…

Today in History: Abolition in D.C.

Today in History: Abolition in D.C.

Today in History–April 16–the Library of Congress features abolition. On this day in 1862, President Abraham Lincoln signed an act abolishing slavery in the District of Columbia. Learn more about the abolition of slavery in the United States capital by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the links below to access primary sources and teaching resources related to abolition…

Today in History: Lincoln Shot!

Today in History: Lincoln Shot!

Today in History–April 14–the Library of Congress features the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, who was shot on this day in 1865. Learn more about tragic day in United States history by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the links below to access secondary sources, all types of primary sources, and teaching resources related to the death of President Lincoln….

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Jefferson’s Pasta Machine

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Jefferson’s Pasta Machine

Curator description: Thomas Jefferson noted these plans for a macaroni or pasta machine while touring northern Italy in 1787. When Jefferson prepared these plans, macaroni was a highly fashionable food in Paris, where he was stationed as minister to France. He later commissioned his secretary William Short to purchase a macaroni machine in Italy, but…

Today in History: Thomas Jefferson

Today in History: Thomas Jefferson

Today in History–April 13–the Library of Congress features Thomas Jefferson, born on this day in 1743.  (Actually, he was born on April 2 under the Julian calendar but when Great Britain and its colonies switched to the Gregorian calendar in 1752 his birthday, along with everyone else’s, was shifted 11 days forward.) Find out more about this multitalented man…

Today in History: The Call for Independence

Today in History: The Call for Independence

Today in History–April 12–the Library of Congress features the first call for American independence, made by North Carolina on this day in 1776. Referred to as the “Halifax Resolves“, the document listed grievances against Great Britain and encouraged the Continental Congress to push for sovereignty. Learn more by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the links below to access more related…