Today in History: Hippodrome

Today in History–August 16–the Library of Congress features the Hippodrome Theater, which closed permanently on this day in 1939. Opened in 1905, this gigantic theater seated up to 5,200 people and was the stage for the most popular vaudeville performers of the time, including Harry Houdini. Learn more by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access more Library resources related to the Hippodrome Theater and theater in general. Curious about the Hippodrome in Turkey? Take a look at this primary source image set.

New York City’s Hippodrome Closed Its Doors for the Last Time from America’s Library

New York Hippodrome (inside)

More Hippodrome New York images

New York Hippodrome sheet music

Hippodrome song recordings

Hippodrome Theater historical newspaper coverage

Hippodrome Theatre historical newspaper coverage

Featured Source: Hippodrome Theater primary source mini activity

Theater & television primary source collections & teaching resources