Primary Source Spotlight: Alexander Hamilton
Today in History: Alexander Hamilton background information & select primary sources
Alexander Hamilton Papers collection
Alexander Hamilton primary source set & teacher’s guide
Alexander Hamilton items in the Creating the United States online exhibition
- Report of the Committee of Detail with annotations by Alexander Hamilton
- Report of the Committee of Style with annotations by Alexander Hamilton
- A Champion to Challenge Alexander Hamilton
- Draft of George Washington’s Farewell Address
- Draft Report on the Constitutionality of a National Bank by Alexander Hamilton
- Letter from Charles Carroll to Alexander Hamilton, August 27, 1800
- Letter from Alexander Hamilton to Theodore Sedgwick, May 4, 1800
- Letter from James Bayard to Alexander Hamilton, March 8, 1801
- Chromolithograph of Alexander Hamilton
Highlights from the American State Papers when Hamilton served as Secretary of the Treasury
- First Report on Public Credit, January 14, 1790
- Second Report on Public Credit, December 13, 1790
- Report on a National Bank, December 13, 1790
- Report on the Establishment of a Mint, January 28, 1791
- Report on Manufactures, December 5, 1791
Selected documents related to Alexander Hamilton
- Summary of Hamilton’s plan of government proposed at the Constitutional Convention on June 18, 1787
- Copy of Hamilton’s notes on weights and measures June 1790
- Alexander Hamilton on a charge brought against him September 26, 1792
- Minutes from meeting regarding armed vessels arriving in U.S. ports 1793
- Query, stated by the secretary of the Treasury, to the committee appointed to inquire into the state of the Treasury department 1794
- Principles and course of proceeding, with regard to the disposition of the monies borrowed abroad by virtue of the acts of the 4th and 12th of August, as to the point of authority Alexander Hamilton 1794
Selected Alexander Hamilton correspondence
- Hamilton’s report to the Marquis de Lafayette on October 15, 1781, during the Battle of Yorktown
- A letter from Washington to Alexander Hamilton on November 10, 1787, thanking Hamilton for sending a copy of the pamphlet written by “Publius” and discussing the new Constitution
- A letter from Hamilton to Madison on May 19, 1788, coordinating strategy regarding the ratification of the Constitution in New York and Virginia
- A letter from Hamilton to Madison on June 8, 1788, discussing the antifederalists at the New York state ratification convention and Hamilton’s fears of “an eventual disunion and civil war” if the Constitution is rejected
- Alexander Hamilton to George Washington, February 21, 1791, National Bank Bill
- Alexander Hamilton to James Monroe, June 11, 1794 (transcription)
- A letter from Hamilton to Washington on February 3, 1795, announcing his resignation as secretary of the treasury
More Alexander Hamilton correspondence
Alexander Hamilton historical newspaper coverage 1789-1804
Contemporary U.S. legislation related to Alexander Hamilton
Affairs of Honor: National Politics in the New Republic streaming webcast
Library blog posts
- Alexander Hamilton Papers Library of Congress Blog August 29, 2017
- Alexander Hamilton Defending Loyalist Property Rights In Custodia Legis July 16, 2020
- “Hamilton” — About Alexander and Eliza’s Last Goodbye Library of Congress Blog July 13, 2020
- A Hamilton Mixtape, Library of Congress Style Library of Congress Blog June 13, 2016
- A Look at Alexander Hamilton’s Saucy, Religious, Sentimental Poetry From the Catbird Seat September 22, 2017
- My Name is Alexander Hamilton. And there’s a million things I haven’t done Inside Adams January 12, 2017
- See the hurricane letter that changed Alexander Hamilton’s life From the Catbird Seat October 3, 2017
- Technology at the Library: Long-Hidden Text Is Uncovered in Alexander Hamilton Letter Library of Congress Blog January 11, 2018
The Meaning of the Federalist Papers Citizen U lesson plan
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