TPS Spotlight: Teaching with Primary Sources in the Elementary Classroom

TPS Spotlight: Teaching with Primary Sources in the Elementary Classroom

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville collaborated with several Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) Consortium partners including Emerging America, Mars Hill University, and the TPS Midwest Region to offer a “just in time” online professional development course titled Teaching with Primary Sources in the Elementary Classroom. This online asynchronous course integrates classroom footage of teachers and librarians…

Integrating Technology: Using Primary Sources from the Library of Congress through Distance Learning

Integrating Technology: Using Primary Sources from the Library of Congress through Distance Learning

 In case you weren’t able to make it, or just want to watch it again, here is the recorded webinar hosted by inquirED and featuring TPS consortium partners from NCSS, the Right Question Institute and the TPS Eastern Region. After, access all the resources from this fantastic webinar. Related resources Teaching Now: Zooming In…

TPS Spotlight: Regional Programs

TPS Spotlight: Regional Programs

There are three regions that fall under the TPS National program: Western Region, Midwest Region, Eastern Region. The TPS Regional program promotes the widespread, sustained and effective use of primary sources from the Library of Congress in K-12 classrooms by increasing access to the TPS program. Through this effort, hundreds of organizations from all 50…