Today in History: Charles Lindbergh

Today in History: Charles Lindbergh

Today in History–June 11–the Library of Congress features pilot Charles Lindbergh, who received the first Distinguished Flying Cross on this day in 1927. Lindbergh made aeronautical history just a few weeks prior to the honor by flying solo and nonstop flight across the Atlantic. Find out more about this adventurous aviator by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access…

Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Video Recordings

Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Video Recordings

Video is used to tell stories and provide information. Because we live in a world increasingly dominated by video, it is critical that we teach students how to analyze this powerful primary source that combines moving images with sound and, sometimes, text. In addition to dramatic or documentary films, primary source video recordings include news…

Today in History: Memorial Day

Today in History: Memorial Day

Today in History–May 30–the Library of Congress features Memorial Day, first celebrated on this day in 1868 at Arlington National Cemetery, where both Confederate and Union soldiers were buried. Learn more about this national day of observance celebrating those who died in defense of the United States by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the links below to access more related primary sources….

Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Audio Recordings

Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Audio Recordings

Written texts can be very powerful, but add sound and those words gain an extra dimension; just think of the difference between reading a speech and hearing one, particularly one delivered by a talented orator. In addition to speeches, primary source audio recordings include interviews, press conferences, testimonies, advertisements, entertainment broadcasts, and more. The Library…

Today in History: George Washington’s First Inaugural Address

Today in History: George Washington’s First Inaugural Address

Today in History–April 30–the Library of Congress features George Washington, who delivered his first inaugural address on this date in 1789 to a joint session of Congress, assembled in Federal Hall in the nation’s new capital, New York City. Learn more about our nation’s first president (1789-97) by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access more stories and primary sources about…

Today in History: Alaska Purchase

Today in History: Alaska Purchase

Today in History–March 30–the Library of Congress features the United States purchase of Alaska from Russia, which Secretary of State William Seward agreed to on this day in 1867. Opponents of the $7.2 million purchase called it “Seward’s Folly” but opinions changed following the discovery of gold and, later, oil. Learn more by reviewing the Today in History section,…

Today in History: William Jennings Bryan

Today in History: William Jennings Bryan

Today in History–March 19–the Library of Congress features William Jennings Bryan, born on this day in 1860. Famous for his oratorical skills, Bryan served two terms as a U.S. representative then ran for president three times. Although unsuccessful, he did serve as President Woodrow Wilson’s Secretary of State. Learn more by visiting the Today in History section, then clicking the links below…

Today in History: Theodore Roosevelt

Today in History: Theodore Roosevelt

Today in History–February 3–the Library of Congress features Theodore Roosevelt, who penned a personal love missive about his future wife on this day in 1880. That first marriage was, unfortunately, cut short by his wife’s untimely death. But Roosevelt would marry again and had a long, prosperous life as a conservationist, progressive politician, and Nobel Peace Prize winner….

Today in History: Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Today in History: Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Today in History–January 20–the Library of Congress features Franklin Delano Roosevelt, inaugurated as U.S. President in January on this day in 1937. This was the first inauguration held in January but FDR’s second of four inaugurations, his first was held on March 4, 1933. Find out more about the longest serving president in our nation’s history by visiting the Today…

Learning from the Source: I Have a Dream Image Sequencing

Learning from the Source: I Have a Dream Image Sequencing

On August 28, 1963 a march organized by supporters of stronger civil rights legislation drew more than 250,000 people to Washington, D.C. Encouraged and inspired, Martin Luther King, Jr. strayed from the short speech he had prepared and delivered instead his famous extemporaneous I Have a Dream speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Primary…

Today in History: Eleanor Roosevelt

Today in History: Eleanor Roosevelt

Today in History–October 11–the Library of Congress features Eleanor Roosevelt, born on this day in 1884.  Learn more about this first-class first lady in the Today in History section then click the links below to access related primary sources. Eleanor Roosevelt image set Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt Jr. attends Women in War Work Congress in Paris 1918 film Speech by Eleanor A. Roosevelt New…