Today in History: War of 1812

Today in History: War of 1812

Today in History–June 18–the Library of Congress features the War of 1812. On this date in 1812 President James Madison signed a declaration of war against Great Britain. Reasons for the war included frustration with Britain’s maritime practices and their support of Native American resistance to western expansion as well as a desire to conquer Canada. The war lingered on…

World Spotlight: Wales

World Spotlight: Wales

The Story of the Nations: Wales 1902 More books, articles and other texts about Wales Charles D. Cleveland to Abraham Lincoln, Thursday, February 05, 1863 (Sends sermon from Wales) Wales image set Sheet music related to Wales U.S. veteran oral histories (service in Wales) Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection interviews mentioning Wales U.S. historical newspaper coverage of Wales through…

Herbert Hoover

Presidential Spotlight: Herbert Hoover

Herbert Hoover brief bio Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover: American Famine relief Campaign song of Herbert Hoover 1829 presidential opponent Herbert Hoover 1930 judicial nomination of John Parker Herbert Hoover inauguration primary source set Herbert Hoover: Executive Order 5398 – Establishing the Veterans’ Administration The American Presidency Project Herbert Hoover mentions in the Foreign Affairs Oral…

Today in History: Charles Julius Guiteau

Today in History: Charles Julius Guiteau

Today in History–December 31–the Library of Congress features presidential assassin Charles Julius Guiteau. On this date in 1881, Guiteau penned a New Year’s letter to his jailer while awaiting trial for the assassination of President James Garfield.  On July 2, 1881 Guiteau had shot the newly elected president who died seventy-nine days later of infections from the bullet wound. Guiteau’s trial…

Bethlehem. Church of the Nativity

Today in History: Christmas

Today in History–December 25–the Library of Congress features Christmas. Although the exact origins of this holiday are uncertain, the Christian church in Rome observed the Feast of the Nativity on this date in the year 336. Today, Christmas celebrations include both religious and secular traditions. Discover more by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below…

The Russian cathedral and the harbor, Helsingfors, Russia, i.e., Helsinki, Finland

World Spotlight: Finland

Finland country study Finland country profile BBC Finland timeline BBC Finland primary source set from the World Digital Library Finland maps Finland image set The Finns in America Article: Finnish American Song Finnish song recordings Finland sheet music Conversation: [Finnish composer] Olli Kotekangas & Norman Scribner streaming webcast U.S. veteran oral histories (service in Finland) Foreign…

Planisphaerium coeleste : secundum restitutionem Hevelianam et Hallejanam

Primary Source Spotlight: Astronomy

Finding Our Place in the Cosmos: From Galileo to Sagan and Beyond Library collection Understanding the Cosmos primary source iBook Astronomy maps Astronomy images Astronomy books and articles Historical newspaper coverage: astronomy Astronomy and other “Onomies” sheet music The old country fiddler on astronomy audio recording Astronomy webcasts Everyday Mysteries: Astronomy U.S. legislation related to astronomy Astronomy: Selected…

A Plan for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery in the United States, without Danger or Loss to the Citizens of the South

Primary Source Spotlight: Abolition

Abolition newspapers Anti-Slavery Bugle (weekly) New-Lisbon, Ohio 1845-1861 The Examiner (weekly) Louisville, Kentucky 1847-1849 Primary source collections Abolition primary source set History of American Abolitionism 1861 More abolition books & articles Songs Related to the Abolition of Slavery Library of Congress article Abolition sheet music Abolition images Abolition webcasts Abolition in D.C. primary source collections Album: Abolitionist Cartoons and Images John Brown primary source…

The slaves' dream

Primary Source Spotlight: Slavery (U.S.)

Library slavery collections Slave narratives Frederick Douglass primary source set Frances Ann Kemble primary source set Books Correspondence & early texts Other texts Legislation Slavery newspapers Slavery maps Slave song recordings Slavery sheet music Slavery image set Slavery political cartoons PSN curated primary source collections related to slavery Library blog posts related to slavery Primary Source…

The new picture of the eagle

Primary Source Spotlight: American Eagle

Our National Bird In Custodia Legis blog November 27, 2015 American eagle image set Bald eagle image set American eagle sheet music American eagle march streaming song recording The American eagle against the British lion! 1844 broadside Historical American newspaper mentions: American eagle Contemporary U.S. legislation related to the American eagle The Bald Eagle, Creature of Nature…