Patrick Henry before the Virginia House of Burgesses May 30, 1765

Today in History: Patrick Henry

Today in History–May 29–the Library of Congress features colonial politician Patrick Henry, born on this day in 1736. Henry subscribed to the political theory that humans are born with certain inalienable rights, an idea that is central to the Declaration of Independence, and was renowned for his speaking abilities. Learn more about this fiery orator by visiting the Today in…

Another Political Satire on French Alliance

Today in History: Franco-American Alliance

Today in History–February 6–the Library of Congress features the Franco-American alliance, solidified  on this date in 1778 when France and the United States signed the Treaty of Amity and Commerce and the Treaty of Alliance. The former recognized the United States as an independent nation and promoted trade between the two countries and the latter created a military alliance against Great Britain…

The United States according to the definitive treaty of peace signed at Paris Sept. 3d. 1783

Today in History: 1783 Treaty of Paris

Today in History–January 14–the Library of Congress features the Treaty of Paris, ratified by the Continental Congress on this day in 1784, nine months after the preliminary articles of peace were approved and over four months after the actual treaty was signed in Paris. Find out more by visiting the Today in History section (also see treaty signing entry),…

Burgoyne's surrender at Saratoga

Today in History: The Battles of Saratoga

Today in History–September 19–the Library of Congress features the first battle of Saratoga. On this day in 1777, Continental soldiers under American General Horatio Gates defeated the British in Saratoga, New York. A month later, British General John Burgoyne surrendered his British troops at the same place. The American victories at Saratoga turned the tide of the war in favor of…

The horse America, throwing his master

Primary Source Learning: American Revolution Primary Source Set

Have students use the primary sources in this set to tell a story about the American Revolution. The story may be in digital or print form and could be nonfiction, fiction, poetry, or even a song. Click on each thumbnail image below to access the full size primary source. You may also use this primary…

Statue of American Revolutionary War Major General Nathanael Greene

Today in History: Nathanael Greene

Today in History–August 7–the Library of Congress features Revolutionary War hero Nathanael Greene, born on this day in 1742. A West Point commander, Green replaced the disgraced Benedict Arnold and played a significant part in the defeat of British General Lord Cornwallis at Cowpens, South Carolina.  Find out more by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access…

Today in History: John Parker & the Minutemen

Today in History: John Parker & the Minutemen

Today in History–July 13–the Library of Congress features minuteman John Parker, born in Lexington, Massachusetts on this day in 1729. Find out more about the first shots in the U.S. war for independence and those who fought by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access more primary sources and learning resources. Statue of Captain Parker, on the green at Lexington, Mass….

July 4--Independence Day

Today in History: Independence Day

Today in History–July 4–the Library of Congress features Independence Day, marking the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence on this day in 1776. The first anniversary was a spontaneous celebration, as John Adams recounted in a letter to his daughter Abigail. After the War of 1812, Independence Day celebrations became more common. Learn more by visiting the Today in History section,…

Washington delivering his inaugural address April 1789

Today in History: George Washington’s First Inaugural Address

Today in History–April 30–the Library of Congress features George Washington, who delivered his first inaugural address on this date in 1789 to a joint session of Congress, assembled in Federal Hall in the nation’s new capital, New York City. Learn more about our nation’s first president (1789-97) by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access more stories and primary sources about…

Today in History: Yankee Doodle

Today in History: Yankee Doodle

Today in History–April 19–the Library of Congress features the song Yankee Doodle, which the colonials are said to have sung as they forced the British back to Boston on this day in 1775. Learn more about this song and the Lexington & Concord skirmishes by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the links below to access related primary sources. The…