Page from Lancelot, the Knight of the Cart

Primary Source Spotlight: Novels in Verse

Novels in verse tell stories using both poetry while also employing traditional narrative structures and styles. Use the links below to learn more about this form of storytelling and to dive into the Library’s collections. No Extra Words: The Emotional Punch of Novels in Verse Bookmarked blog includes videos of conversations with authors Lancelot ou…

La Teacher

Primary Source Spotlight: Teachers & Teaching

“The trouble is that we don’t always realize how important teachers are, in music or in anything else. Teaching is probably the noblest profession in the world — the most unselfish, difficult, and honorable profession. It is also the most unappreciated, underrated, underpaid, and underpraised profession in the world.” Leonard Bernstein Teacher images Week of…

Sacremento City

Today in History: Sacramento, California

Today in History–November 25–the Library of Congress features Sacramento, California, a boom town during the mid-19th-century gold rush. By 1854 the city had become the state capital. Learn more about the city of Sacramento by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access more primary sources. Pioneer Life in Sacramento from America’s Library…

Collections Spotlight: Katherine Dunham Selections

Collections Spotlight: Katherine Dunham Selections

This collection contains moving and still images, highlighting the dancer’s early explorations as an anthropologist observing movement types and dance forms in Haiti, Trinidad, Martinique, and Jamaica as well as Dunham performing and teaching. Collection resources Images Videos Notes on Dunham’s Work Katherine Dunham Timeline Katherine Dunham: A Life in Dance article Collecting a Career: The Katherine Dunham Legacy Project…