Primary Source Spotlight: Novels in Verse

page from Lancelot, the Knight of the Cart

Novels in verse tell stories using both poetry while also employing traditional narrative structures and styles. Use the links below to learn more about this form of storytelling and to dive into the Library’s collections.

No Extra Words: The Emotional Punch of Novels in Verse Bookmarked blog includes videos of conversations with authors

Lancelot ou le Chevalier de la Charrette 12th century

The Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer stories from the 14th century

Le Livre du Coeur d’amour Épris 1457

Jon Duan, a Twofold Journey with Manifold Purposes 1874

A Twisted Skein 1881

Sybilla: a Romaunt of the Town 1891

When Bards Sing Out of Tune 1902

Stories in verse

Narrative poems

Epic poems