First Lady Michelle Obama official portrait

Primary Source Learning: Women in the White House

Use the resources below to learn about the women in the White House and the some of the roles various first ladies took on throughout the years. One fun learning activity comes from the Collection Connections section of Words and Deeds in American History. Ask students to consider if these letter show evidence of a first lady…

Primary Source Learning: Math Activities That Add Up

Primary Source Learning: Math Activities That Add Up

Integrating primary sources into the social studies curriculum doesn’t take a quantum leap of imagination, but can you imagine how they could be paired with math? Numerous teachers who have gone through Teaching with Primary Sources programs delivered by TPS consortium members, have done just that. Intrigued? Check out their formulas for mathematical learning by…

Primary Source Learning: Taking the Mystery Out of Copyright

Primary Source Learning: Taking the Mystery Out of Copyright

There is a lot of talk about copyright today. If you’d like some resources to help explain the development of copyright law and how it works, head over to the Library of Congress online Teachers section or just click the links below. Copyright Quick Check Library of Congress YouTube Channel Using Items from the Library’s…

Primary Source Learning: America’s Library

Primary Source Learning: America’s Library

The Teaching with the Library of Congress blog provides an overview of the resources found in America’s Library and some great teaching ideas for using the website with younger students or older English language learners. For more involved projects, click the links below to access two primary source projects using America’s Library resources from TPS-Barat….

Primary Source Learning: Native American Perspectives

Primary Source Learning: Native American Perspectives

In celebration of Native American Heritage month, the Teaching with the Library of Congress blog provides some great suggestions for teaching students to view the experiences and contributions of Native Americans from various perspectives. Comparing sources from multiple perspectives provides students with practice in critical thinking and evaluating evidence and arguments. Links to more Native American…

Primary Source Learning: Veteran Teaching Resources & Strategies

Primary Source Learning: Veteran Teaching Resources & Strategies

“The Veterans History Project of the American Folklife Center collects, preserves, and makes accessible the personal accounts of American war veterans so that future generations may hear directly from veterans and better understand the realities of war.” The Teaching with the Library of Congress blog provides some great starting points for using the Veterans History…

Primary Source Learning: Gilded Age Teaching Resources & Strategies

Primary Source Learning: Gilded Age Teaching Resources & Strategies

This morning I saw a tweet mentioning primary sources related to immigration in the Gilded Age and I began to wonder . . . What learning activities related to the Gilded Age could we imagine using Library of Congress primary sources? What other teaching resources and strategies are available on and elsewhere? See the results…

Primary Source Learning: Uncovering Primary Source Treasures

Primary Source Learning: Uncovering Primary Source Treasures

The Teaching with Library of Congress blog highlights a collection of videos featuring Library curators briefly describing treasured items and their historical importance and provides some ideas for using the treasure videos with students. You can access the collection of Hidden Treasure videos at the Library of Congress or from the Hidden Treasures playlist on…

Primary Source Learning: Discover the Library Online

Primary Source Learning: Discover the Library Online

The Teaching with Library of Congress blog points out ways to explore the Library virtually and suggests engaging learning activities using this set of putti images, from the Carol M. Highsmith photograph archive.  You might also try similar activities using this set of images depicting iconic figures found on the doors of the Library annex from…

Primary Source Learning: Teaching Ideas for Different Primary Source Types

Primary Source Learning: Teaching Ideas for Different Primary Source Types

The Fall Issue of the TPS Quarterly is out and the featured article–“Beyond Typescript and Photographs: Using Primary Sources in Different Formats”–provides teaching ideas for using different primary source types in learning activities. Read the article to get tips on using handwritten manuscripts; posters, prints, and drawings; motion pictures; oral histories; historic sheet music and sound recordings; and…