Guided Primary Source Analysis: For United America, YWCA

Guided Primary Source Analysis: For United America, YWCA

The shields displayed on this poster represent the flags of various countries. Do some research to see how many countries you can identify and make a list. Look closely at the details that you see in this poster. For what purpose do you think this poster was created? What details from the print and your own background knowledge helped…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: East Coast of Florida Is Paradise Regained

Guided Primary Source Analysis: East Coast of Florida Is Paradise Regained

How does this source present the state of Florida? What details from the source support your response (see larger image)? Who is sponsoring this map? Why do you think so? What might that company hope to gain? Does the company still exist today? What more can you discover? Do a bit of research about the Spanish-American…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Spiro Agnew Parody

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Spiro Agnew Parody

What do you think the artist is trying to tell you through this poster? What details support your conclusion? Find out more about Spiro Agnew. Read the following curator notes: Anything Goes: Caricature Since the 1960s: Edward Sorel, Author and Caricaturist. What three reasons are given for the resurgence of caricature in the mid-1960s? What more did…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: The Constitutional Amendment

Guided Primary Source Analysis: The Constitutional Amendment

What is the purpose of this poster? What emotions does this poster tap into? Use specific evidence from the source to support your responses. Who is the audience for this primary source? How do you know? What more do you learn from the source record? Do  you think this poster was effective with its target…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Irishmen – Avenge the Lusitania

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Irishmen – Avenge the Lusitania

Use image and textual details to describe the purpose of this poster. Use the Primary Source Nexus search box to find out about the sinking of the Lusitania. What did you find out? What surprised you the most or had the biggest impact on you? The audience for this poster was the Irish—Irish men, in…

Today in History: The Birth of a Nation

Today in History: The Birth of a Nation

Today in History–February 8–the Library of Congress features the controversial silent film, The Birth of a Nation, which premiered on this day in 1915. Although the film advanced the art of cinema, it did so by telling a story with a skewed, racist vision of U.S. history. Protested by many, the film was ultimately a great commercial success….

Today in History: Memorial Day

Today in History: Memorial Day

Today in History–May 30–the Library of Congress features Memorial Day, first celebrated on this day in 1868 at Arlington National Cemetery, where both Confederate and Union soldiers were buried. Learn more about this national day of observance celebrating those who died in defense of the United States by visiting the Today in History section, then follow the links below to access more related primary sources….

Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Images

Analyzing Primary Sources: Learning from Images

They say pictures are worth a thousand words. Primary source images, whether they are photographs or prints, provide windows into unique perspectives of people, places, and events. The analysis of primary source images helps scaffold and differentiate learning and aligns closely to the Common Core English Language Arts Standards (CCSS). The Library of Congress is a treasure…