Guided Primary Source Analysis: Boeing aircraft plant – production of B-17F

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Boeing aircraft plant – production of B-17F

Zoom into the picture above (.pdf file) and analyze the photo using the primary source analysis tool. First, just use the picture to complete your image analysis, then review the bibliographic record to add to your analysis. Share your analysis with a partner, group or the class. This image lists some letters and numbers at the bottom of the picture. Enter…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Gauchos, Argentina

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Gauchos, Argentina

Be a primary source investigator. Zoom into this photograph. Look carefully at the details in the image. What did you learn about gauchos from your photo investigation? Read this entry on Gauchos from Encyclopædia Britannica or watch this National Geographic video about gauchos or both.What more did you learn about gauchos? How does that information compare with your primary source investigation? Tell…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Astor Theatre – The Great Ziegfeld

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Astor Theatre – The Great Ziegfeld

Where do you think this photograph was taken? Zoom into the photo and describe this place using details from the image to inform your description. (Save the link in the previous sentence to download the image to your computer which will allow you to zoom in with greater detail.) Next, make a guess at what decade this photo is…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: I Won’t Stand for Segregation

Guided Primary Source Analysis: I Won’t Stand for Segregation

Complete a primary source analysis of this image using the Library’s primary source analysis tool (see links below). Then click the image above to see if the information found in the curator’s note answers any of your questions. paper (.pdf) digital padlet Can you find a discrepancy between this primary source document (be sure to look…

Circus broadcasted by radio for first time

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Circus Radio Broadcast

Imagine you are the elephant. What is your “song” about? Create speech or thought bubbles for the two men and the elephant in this picture. How could we broadcast the elephant’s “song” today? What kind of equipment would we use? How is that similar to and different from the equipment used in this image? What…

National Anti-Suffrage Association

Guided Primary Source Analysis: National Anti-Suffrage Association

Look carefully at all the elements included in this scene. What do you think the photographer wanted the audience to think and feel? Be sure to back up your conclusion with evidence from the image. Choose two sources (see links below) to review. What arguments did they make against woman suffrage. Use what you learned…