Land of the Incas

World Spotlight: Peru

Peru: Places in the News Peru country study Country profile: Peru BBC Peru timeline BBC Peru primary source set from the World Digital Library Peru images Peru maps Pizarro in Peru sheet music Peruvian song recordings Peruvian literary recordings Manuscripts, Performance style, Choreometrics, sources, Correspondence and notes by culture, Peru Alan Lomax Collection Service in Peru: U.S. veteran…

Viege, Switzerland

World Spotlight: Switzerland

Switzerland country profile BBC Switzerland timeline BBC Switzerland primary source set from the World Digital Library Switzerland map More Switzerland maps Basel, Switzerland map Switzerland images Films Bataille de fleurs et défilé de chars, I 1897 Scene in the Swiss village at Paris Exposition 1900 Swiss village, no. 2 1900 Swiss related webcasts Jung & Aging: Bringing to Life the…


World Spotlight: Morocco

Morocco primary source set World Digital Library Morocco map Fez and the Kingdom of Morocco map Morocco image set Morocco printed ephemera (tourism, food, folklore) Alan Lomax collection 1967 Moroccan chorus and dance song recording 1959 U.S. historical newspaper coverage of Morocco Books and other texts related to Morocco U.S. veteran oral histories (Morocco service) Morocco…

Palestina, siue Terræ Sanctæ descriptio

World Spotlight: Palestine

Palestine historical maps Palestine images Historical newspaper coverage of Palestine Palestine; or The Holy Land 1824 The History of Palestine 1851 Palestine Past and Present 1859 “Those holy fields.” Palestine, illustrated by pen and pencil 1874 A Palestine pilgrimage 1922 Report on the State of Palestine to Mr. Churchill March 28, 1921 Rights in Palestine 44 Stat….

Influenza spread by droplets sprayed from nose and throat

Primary Source Spotlight: Influenza

Early influenza sources An address of thanks from the faculty to the Right Honble, Mr. Influenzy for his kind visit to this country 1803 An account of the origin, symptoms, and cure of the influenza or epidemic catarrh 1832 Kartogramma “grippa”, oktiabrʹ 1889-mart 1890 shows occurrence of influenza by province (Russia) Influenza pandemic 1918-1919 Rampaging…

Visit Mt. Egmont, New Zealand Scenic trip by train

World Spotlight: New Zealand

Places in the News: New Zealand April 2009 September 2010 February 2011 September 2011 July 2013 New Zealand country profile BBC New Zealand timeline BBC New Zealand primary source set World Digital Library New Zealand maps New Zealand image set Books & reports about New Zealand Historical newspaper coverage of New Zealand U.S. veteran oral history collections (service…

Green Book newspaper ad

Literature Links: Ruth and the Green Book

Elementary teacher librarian and former teacher in residence at the Library of Congress, Tom Bober (@CaptainLibrary), details a plan for pairing primary source analysis with the book, Ruth and the Green Book by Calvin Alexander Ramsey, to help students make connections to history and geography. In his post on Knowledge Quest from the American Association of School Librarians, Tom also…

We Shall Overcome

Learning from the Source: We Shall Overcome

Students will analyze historical and contemporary primary sources to examine how citizens persevered to overcome injustice and affect change during the 1960s civil rights era and consider the lessons the first March to Selma in 1965 provides for us today. Enduring understanding: Time, place, and culture influence our perspectives on people and issues. Essential question:…

Tuskegee airmen at Ramitelli, Italy

Primary Source Spotlight: Tuskegee Airmen

Online exhibition items Tuskegee Airmen Breaking Flight Barriers Tuskegee Airmen with Lena Horne The 332nd Fighter Group Tuskegee Airmen image set Tuskegee Airmen in Art Exhibit The Detroit Tribune. (Detroit, Mich.), 01 Sept. 1945 Tuskegee pilots historical newspaper coverage 332nd Fighter Group historical newspaper coverage 332nd Fighter Group veteran oral history collections Patriotism, Courage, Discipline, Skill &…

Date alla patria - Give to the Nation

World Spotlight: Italy

Library blog posts related to Italy European Month of Culture: Spotlight on Italy In the Muse May 13, 2016 Alan Lomax in Italy: a letter to Goffredo Plastino Folklife Today May 21, 2015 Deciphering the Land: An Unknown Estate Survey Book from Late Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Century Italy Worlds Revealed: Geography & Maps February 19, 2016 The Italian Legislative…

Lecture on Haiti

Today in History: Haiti

Today in History–January 2–the Library of Congress features Haiti. On this date in 1893 Frederick Douglass, who once served as U.S. minister to this Caribbean country, delivered an address at the dedication of the Haitian Pavilion at the World’s Columbian Exposition. Learn more Douglass’ speech and the country by visiting the Today in History section, then click the links below to access…


World Spotlight: Israel

Places in the News: Israel January 2006 July 2006 May 2008 May 2011 Lebanon / Israel : February 2005 Lebanon / Israel : August 2006 Syria/Israel: January 2000 Syria/Israel: October 2000 Israel country study Israel country profile BBC Israel timeline BBC Israel primary source set World Digital Library Israel maps The children of Israel Egypt Israel…