World Spotlight: Palestine

Historical newspaper coverage of Palestine
Palestine; or The Holy Land 1824
Palestine Past and Present 1859
“Those holy fields.” Palestine, illustrated by pen and pencil 1874
Report on the State of Palestine to Mr. Churchill March 28, 1921
Rights in Palestine 44 Stat. 2184; Treaty Series 728 December 3, 1924 – December 5, 1925
Palestine: The Arab Case statement made by the Delegation of the Arab Higher Committee before the first committee of the General Assembly of the United Nation’s Organization on 9th May 1947
Palestine Pamphlet Collection booklets covering the history of Palestine, under the British mandate, prior to the creation of the State of Israel in 1948
Arabs of Palestine British Survey May, 1950
Oral histories related to the “Palestine question” Frontline Diplomacy collection
Political cartoons
- Save the Holy Places Herb Block April 27, 1948
- May I please have your undivided attention . . ? Pat Oliphant November 13, 1974
- Yasser Arafat looking in mirror Herb Block 1975
- Rabin, Arafat, and dove of peace Pat Oliphant September 14, 1993
- Arafat in hangman’s noose yoked with Hamas Ann Telnaes August 4, 2002
The Moral Conscience of the World: The United Nations and Palestine in 1947 webcast
Selected Palestine primary sources (English descriptions from the World Digital Library)
Selected Palestine primary sources (Arabic descriptions from the World Digital Library)
Palestine: Future Borders Global Legal Monitor Nov. 2, 2007
International Criminal Court: Prosecutor Declares It Lacks Jurisdiction to Determine Whether Palestine Is a State April 13, 2012
Palestinian Territory, occupied: Possibility of Joining the International Criminal Court Global Legal Monitor Oct. 15, 2014
Palestine mentions in Israel: A Country Study
Palestinian Territories Profile BBC
Palestinian Territories Timeline BBC
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