Learning from the Source: The Art of Tribute

Learning from the Source: The Art of Tribute

From the Library of Congress bicentennial exhibition—With Malice Toward None—we learn a bit about the profound effect Abraham Lincoln’s death had on people all over the world. The assassination of President Abraham Lincoln on Good Friday, April 14, 1865, had a tremendous impact both in the United States and abroad. People in Great Britain, which…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Jefferson’s Pasta Machine

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Jefferson’s Pasta Machine

Curator description: Thomas Jefferson noted these plans for a macaroni or pasta machine while touring northern Italy in 1787. When Jefferson prepared these plans, macaroni was a highly fashionable food in Paris, where he was stationed as minister to France. He later commissioned his secretary William Short to purchase a macaroni machine in Italy, but…

Analyzing Primary Sources: Primary Source Thinking Triangle Activity

Analyzing Primary Sources: Primary Source Thinking Triangle Activity

Educational consultant and author Dr. Bertie Kingore has some great ideas for teaching. TPS-Barat adapted her thinking triangle for use with primary source image analysis. This activity requires students to use higher level thinking skills as they interact with a primary source image. The thinking triangle also gives students practice in the visual equivalent of…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Hitting the trail to Normandy

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Hitting the trail to Normandy

Using details from the cover of this sheet music, describe what you think this song is about. Use the Primary Source Nexus search box to find out about Normandy. Where is it? What was happening there in 1917? Look inside at the song lyrics and music notation. What is the tone of the song? Does…

Connecting to the Common Core: Image Questions & Responses

Connecting to the Common Core: Image Questions & Responses

Questioning & the Common Core State Standards The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for Reading emphasize teaching students to become active questioners beginning in kindergarten. RL/RI.K.1. With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text. RL/RI.1.1. Ask and answer questions about key details in a text. RL/RI.2.1. Ask and answer such questions…

Connecting to the  Common Core: Analyzing Primary Source Images

Connecting to the Common Core: Analyzing Primary Source Images

Although image analysis activities do not generally require reading (apart from reading bits of text found in an image), the skills required to extract information from visual content are similar to those required to extract information from text. Practicing these skills using primary source images provides students with a great scaffolded learning opportunity. The table below…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Taft About to Eclipse Bryan

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Taft About to Eclipse Bryan

What scientific event does this source facetiously mimic? Do you think the analogy works in this context? Why or why not? This source is referenced as a photographic print but is it a single image? How do you know? How do you think the postcard was made? Do some research to find out more about the…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Afro-American Monument

Guided Primary Source Analysis: Afro-American Monument

There are two Revolutionary War heroes depicted on this print who experienced very different outcomes. Who were the two men and what happened to each in the war? Review the 13 scenes related to Afro-American history on this lithograph. Which scene speaks most powerfully to you? Explain the reasoning for your choice. What person or event…

Primary Source Learning: Math Activities That Add Up

Primary Source Learning: Math Activities That Add Up

Integrating primary sources into the social studies curriculum doesn’t take a quantum leap of imagination, but can you imagine how they could be paired with math? Numerous teachers who have gone through Teaching with Primary Sources programs delivered by TPS consortium members, have done just that. Intrigued? Check out their formulas for mathematical learning by…

Primary Source Learning: Taking the Mystery Out of Copyright

Primary Source Learning: Taking the Mystery Out of Copyright

There is a lot of talk about copyright today. If you’d like some resources to help explain the development of copyright law and how it works, head over to the Library of Congress online Teachers section or just click the links below. Copyright Quick Check Library of Congress YouTube Channel Using Items from the Library’s…

Guided Primary Source Analysis: The Way They Go to California

Guided Primary Source Analysis: The Way They Go to California

What different types of transportation are these men trying to use to get to California? Cartoonists sometimes exaggerate, or overdo, physical characteristics of people and things. Zoom into a more detailed image of this cartoon and look for examples of exaggeration. Describe one example and explain why it is a form of exaggeration for this situation. Find out about…

Learning from the Source: I Have a Dream Image Sequencing

Learning from the Source: I Have a Dream Image Sequencing

On August 28, 1963 a march organized by supporters of stronger civil rights legislation drew more than 250,000 people to Washington, D.C. Encouraged and inspired, Martin Luther King, Jr. strayed from the short speech he had prepared and delivered instead his famous extemporaneous I Have a Dream speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Primary…