Portrait of two young African American women

Collections Spotlight: Works by Civil War Era African American Women

These digitized works were written by and about African American women who lived during the U.S. Civil War and include autobiographies, biographies, children’s books, novels, poetry, speeches and more. The authors and the works are listed below; click the section headers to access links to the online works. Some authors also have related resource links….

Today in History: Western Missionaries & Native Americans

Today in History: Western Missionaries & Native Americans

Today in History–February 16–the Library of Congress features western missionaries and Native Americans. The Reverend Cushing Eells, born on this date in 1810. This Congregationalist missionary founded Whitman College, named in honor of fellow missionaries and Oregon pioneers Marcus and Narcissa Whitman, who were killed by Native Americans in 1847. Learn more about the relations between missionaries and Native Americans in the west…